Being a polyglot is really nice. Learning various languages has many unanticipated advantages in your career. This ability may come in handy in daily life at any time, such as when someone asks you for directions, you place an order at a restaurant, or you run into someone at a party.

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But can speaking many languages genuinely contribute to your life’s purpose? Or do you keep additional languages on hand for those tiny necessities of life? Some positions are designed for bilingual individuals. Knowing another language increases your competitiveness as a candidate in certain fields. Here are a few potential professional paths where being bilingual might be your biggest asset.


Sales Representative

Why sell? because establishing a personal connection is a key component of sales. Because building a bridge to potential clients requires identifying points of commonality. Because convincing customers to buy from you requires building trust. The number of prospective consumers you can reach doubles when you know twice as many languages. When you speak two or more languages, your chances of closing the deal increase because selling is a numbers game.



Of course. A polyglot can make a wonderful living as a translator. However, did you know that this career option is gaining popularity as companies expand internationally at a faster rate? These days, translators aren’t simply for the United Nations. They can be found in medical facilities, courtrooms, factories, boardrooms, and government offices. Your life’s work as a translator entails talking on other people’s behalf, which has the potential to significantly impact people’s lives.


Hospitality Staff

Working as staff in a hotel can be the ideal setting for your bilingual self to shine if you love the notion of travelling, tourism, and new countries. Chances are good that you’ll interact with individuals from all over the world on a regular basis whether you work as a desk clerk or a hotel manager. You’ll deliver service that exceeds their expectations if you can communicate with foreign tourists in their original tongue. Additionally, you could positively affect someone’s holiday or business trip by guiding them away from expensive blunders or tourist traps.



Being multilingual will help you in a career in education, even if you’re not teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). Significant numbers of kids come from homes where Spanish is the main language in many US neighbourhoods. Spanish-speaking instructors are in high demand for teaching positions. Parent-teacher conferences and educational planning can go much more smoothly if you can communicate in another language.



Being multilingual can make or break a story for investigative journalists covering current events. The more languages you speak, the better prepared you will be for interviews, research, and comprehending the subtleties of culture and international policy. Speaking other languages can help you get around obstacles in your reporting, whether you’re interviewing sources at the US border or travelling to the Middle East to see how America’s foreign policy is affecting the rest of the globe.


Want to advance your group’s or company’s use of language? Contact us to find out more about our specialised language programmes for a global workforce.