How Did I Start Nasma? New Listening Podcast in Levantine

How Did I Start Nasma? New Listening Podcast in Levantine

In this conversational podcast, Hala and I discuss our journey—how we got started and why. I share my experience of beginning with just a couple of students and scaling the business to a larger operation, eventually hiring four other teachers to help teach Levantine Arabic. I always recommend listening first without the script, then listening again while following along with it. Make a list of any unfamiliar words and add them to your vocabulary. To view the script translated into English, Arabic, and phonetics, click here.

Levantine Arabic Listening Practice – Traveling

Levantine Arabic Listening Practice – Traveling

In this new episode, Hala and I discuss a fresh topic—traveling. As always, the script is available in English, Arabic, and phonetics. This listening exercise is ideal for intermediate and advanced learners. If you’re a beginner studying Levantine Arabic, the scripts are also available to help you build your vocabulary and get accustomed to hearing Arabic.

You can find the full episode on our Youtube channel here and you can view and download the script by clicking here.

Don’t forget to check our previous episode about online dating. Click on the link to view it!

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We offer kids classes & kids stories Too!

Listen to our Levantine Arabic, made easier podcast with scripts available!

Online Dating in Levantine Arabic: for Intermediate & Advanced Learners

Online Dating in Levantine Arabic: for Intermediate & Advanced Learners

Join me and Hala as we dive into the world of online dating in Levantine Arabic! In this podcast episode, we talk about the differences between the Syrian and Lebanese accents. This episode is great for intermediate and advanced learners, and I’ve included a full script to help beginners follow along. It’s also a great way to practice your listening skills, so tune in for an interesting chat and useful language tips!

What the full episode here on my Youtube Channel!


هاال التعارف عن طريق اإلنترنت شو رأيك في 

What do you think about online dating? 

Hala alta3arouf 3an tari2 el internet chou ra2yek fi? 


برأي أنا كتير بحب اإلنترنت بشكل عام وتعل ّمت عن طريق اإلنترنت كثير مهارات 

In my opinion, I really love the internet in general and have learned a lot of skills through it.

Be ra2ye ana kteer bheb el internet bichakel 3am, t3alamit 3an tari2 el internet kteer maharat 


فالفكرة عندي شعور إيجابي تجاهها 

I have a positive feeling about the idea. 

Fa el fikra 3ende chou3our ijebe tijeha 


بس نحنا قبل اصال” ما نروح ندور عن شريك مناسب على االنترنت 

But first, before we go looking for a suitable partner online. 

Bas nihna abel aslan ma nrouh ndawir 3an shreek mounesab 3ala el internet


الزم نعرف كيف نبني عالقة صحية من البداية بشكل عام 

We need to know how to build a healthy relationship from the beginning.

Lazem na3ref kif nbneh 3ale2a sohiyeh min al bideyeh bichakel 3am


وبرأيي الشخصي صراحة أنه وقت نتعرف على ناس خارج دائرتنا وخارج الشي لنحنا تعودنا عليه هي تجربة ما بعمرها رح  تكون شي سيئ وال شو رأيك؟ 

In my personal opinion, frankly, when we meet people outside our circle and outside of what  we’re used to, this is an experience that will never be something bad. What do you think? 

Bira2ye alchakhseh saraha enno wa2et nt3araf 3ala nes kharej de2retna w kharej el chi li nihna  t3awadna 3le, hiye tajribe ma b3omra rah tkoun chi saye2 


مزبوط مية بالمية 

That’s 100% correct. 

Mazbout miye bil miye 


أنا كمان ب ِحس! أنا مع التعارف على اإلنترنت إذا هي الشي الطريقة الوحيدة أكيد وبالعكس بحب الفكرة ألنه صرنا نشوف في كثير 

I also feel that I’m in favor of online acquaintance if it’s the only option. In fact, I love the idea  because we see it happening a lot. 

Ana kamen bhis! Ana ma3 alta3arouf 3ala el internet eza hal chi altari2a alwahide akid, w bil  3akes bhib el fekra la2nno sorna nchouf fi kteer 


ناس بترتبط بأشخاص من غير ثقافات من غير جنسيات من غير ديانات وهذا شيء كتير حلو 

People are building relationships with individuals from different cultures, nationalities, and  religions, and this is a wonderful thing. 

Nas btortobet b2achkhas min gher sa2afat min gher jinsiyet w min gher diyeneit w hayda el chi  kteer hilo


يعني صرنا عم ننفتح أكتر على ثقفات مختلفة 

It means that we are becoming more open to different cultures. 

Ya3ne sorna 3am ninfitih aktar 3ala sa2afat mikhtilfe 


وصار في تقارب بس اللي بخاف منه من هذا الموضوع ألن التعارف عن طريق التطبيقات صار في كتير خيارات  

There has been a connection, but what I’m afraid of regarding this topic is that acquaintance  through apps has led to many options. 

W sar fi ta2arob bas elle bkhaf mino , min hayda el maoudou3 la2an al ta3arf 3an tari2 eltatbi2at  sar fi kteer khayarat 


وكأنسان لما بصير عنا كتير خيارات بتالقي الشخص ما بقى عم يعرف ياخد قرارات النو ديما” عم بفكير:” أل في أحسن.. بدي اضهر  بعد … بدي جرب بعد … يمكن هلشخص أحال .. فا الواحد الزم يكون كتير واعي لهيدا الموضوع أنوا ما يوقع بهيدي الدويمة. 

And as humans, when we have too many choices, you find that a person no longer knows how to make  decisions because they’re always thinking: ‘There might be something better… I want to go out more… I  want to try more… Maybe this person is better…’ So one has to be very aware of this issue to avoid  falling into this cycle. 

Ka 2nsein lama bisir 3ena kteer khayarat bitla2e alchakhes ma ba2a 3am ya3ref yakhoud kararat  la2anno deyman 3am bifakeer:” la2 fi ahsan … bade 2odhar ba3ed… bade jareb ba3ed… yimkin hal chakhes ahla …. Fa alwahad lazem ykoun kteer wa3e lhayda al maoudou3 enno ma you2a3 bi hayed al  douweme. 


سوأل : “بمإنك انت الك أربع سنين بتعلمي عربي شي مرة مرق معك طالب عم يتعلموا اللغة العربية ألنوا هني مع شريك عربي؟” 

Question: Since you’ve been teaching Arabic for four years, have you ever had students learning the  Arabic language because they have an Arab partner? 

Sou2al:” bima2nik ente 2lek 2arba3 snen bit3almeh 3arabe chi mara mara2 ma3ek tolab 3am yit3alamo  al logha la2anno hinne ma3 chrek 3arabe?


كتير صراحة ! صار عندي كتير طالب عم يجوا يتعلموا العربي بسبب هيدا الموضوع ! وهيدا الشي عم يعطيني … كتير عم كون  فخورا انون عم بكونوا مهتمين انوا يحكوا لغة الشريكون ويتقربوا منوا بهل طريقة 

Honestly, a lot! I’ve had many students come to learn Arabic because of this reason! And this makes me  feel… really proud that they are so interested in speaking their partner’s language and connecting with  them in this way. 

Kteer saraha! Sar 3nde kteer tolab 3am yejo yit3alamo 3arabe bisabab hayda el maoudou3! W hayada el  chi 3am ya3tineh … kteer 3am koun fakhoura 2nno 3am bikouno mohtamin 2nno yihko loghet chrikon w  yit2arabo minno bi hal tari2a. 


عندي طالبي هيي روسيا وتزوجت شب من سورية وتعلمت العربي كرمالوا صارت تحكي مع اهلوا وهيك فكتير حبيت كيف هيي عندها  حماس انو انا بدي قرب من زوجي واحكي لغتوا خالني فكر انوا في كتير كوبلز بيتجوزوا وما بفكروا انو بدن يتعلموا لغة شريكي بالقوا  متل مساحة امنة لغة مشتركي بيناتن يمكن ماتكون لغتن االم. كتير كنت مبسوطة فيها 

I have a student who is Russian, and she married a guy from Syria. She learned Arabic for him and  started speaking with his family, and I really loved how she had the enthusiasm to say, ‘I want to get  closer to my husband and speak his language.’ It made me think that there are many couples who get  married without considering learning their partner’s language, as they find a safe space in a shared  common language between them, which might not even be their native language. I was so happy for  her. 

3ende talbe hiye rousiye w tjawazit shab min souriyah w t3alamit al 3arabe kermelo saret tihke ma3  ahlo w heik .. fa kteer habeit kef hiye 3enda hames 2nno … ana bade 2areb min zawje w 2hkeh lghto  khalane faker 2nno fi kteer couples (thouna2i) bitjawazo w ma bifakro inno badoun yit3alamo loghit  chrikon bi la2o masaha amneh logha mouchtarake baynetoun yimkin ma tkoun loghotoun al 2oum.  

Kteer kenet mabsouta fiha. 


كيف انتي مرق حدا معك هيك؟ 

How about you? Have you met someone like that? 

Kif ente mara2 hada ma3ek heik ?


عنجد كل االحترام لكل شخص فعالً

بيرطبت بشخص من ثقافي تانية حتى لو هوي ما بيحكي عربي حتى لو عم يتعلم حيال لغة تانية لي
هوي شريكوا بيحكيها. كل االحترام النو فعالً بدوا يعمل التزام )كومتمنت( انو هوي يتعلم لغة شريكوا عربي او مش عربي، هيد الشي
كتير بياخد وقت وطاقة ف فعالً بحترم وبقدركل شخص بقرر يعمل هالخطوي.

3anjad kil el 2ihtiram la kel chakhes fi3lan biortobit bi chakhes min sa2afe tanyeh hata law  houwe ma bihke 3arabe, law 3am yit3alam hayala logha tenye li houwe chriko bihkiye. Kil el  ihtiram la2anno fi3lan bado ya3mol eltizem(commitment) 2nno houwe yit3alam loghit chreko  3arabe aw mich 3arabe, hayda el chi kteer byekhoud wa2et w ta2a fa fi3lan fi3lan bhterem w  b2adir kel chakhes bi2arir ya3mol hal khotwe, 

Zakartine bi ossa. 3ende talbeh amerkiyeh kanet tihke ma3 chakhes 3arabe (bala ma n2oul min  wein) w kan 2loun sawa 2arba3 snin sawa, w balachet tit3alam 3arabe la2ano nafes el fikra li  inte 3am t2ouliya, inno badatit2arab min 3ayilto tfarji inno hiye bithib sa2afto w rah ta3moul kil  chi bti2dar 3le kanit darise w ba3eda darese w 3ala fekra kteer ekhde el maoudu3 bi hames w  jadiyeh, min ba3ed 2arba3 snin woslit la marhale ma rah oul native bas inno woslit la marhale  mit2admeh …. tarakah 

Honestly, all the respect to anyone who really commits to someone from a different culture, even  he/ she doesn’t speak Arabic, and they’re learning the language of their partner. All the respect  because they truly want to make a commitment to learn their partner’s language, whether it’s  Arabic or not. This takes a lot of time and energy, so I really, really respect and appreciate  anyone who decides to take this step. 

You reminded me of a story about an American student I had. She was in a relationship an Arab  guy (let’s not mention where he’s from), and they had been together for four years. She started  learning Arabic for the same reason you mentioned — she wanted to get closer to his family and  show that she loves his culture and would do everything she could for him. 

She was studying, and still is, by the way. She took it very seriously and with enthusiasm. After  four years, she reached a stage where, I won’t say she was ‘native,’ but she had reached an  advanced level… and then he broke up with her.” 


أل هيدي نهاية حزينة .. صح 

La2 hayde niheye hazineh … Sah 

No, that’s a sad ending… right?


أل بالعكس منها كتير حزينة النو انا لما تركها قلت خالص تركت العربي،قلت كرهت العربي، كرهت ثقافتنا ،و ما بقى بدها  شي خصوا بالعربي، بس بالعكس كفت وبعدها عم تدرس وبتقلي:” صح انا حزينة انو ما قدرت كفي أنا وهيدا الشريك مع انو  انا كنت عم بعمول كل شي هوي بدوا يه، بس من ورا هيدي القصة انا حسيت انو هوي عطاني فرصة انو اتعرف على ثقافي  

كتير حلوي، لغة بتجنن”. وبعدها مكفية باللغة العربية و بعدها عم تدرس وهلق عم تدور ع شغل هيدا هدفها بتقلي :”أنا بدي  دور على شغل بالشرق االوسط قد ما أنا كتير حبيت الثقافة.”  

La2 bil 3akes mana kteer hazineh la2anno ana lama tarakah 2ilit khalas tarakit el 3arabe, 2let  kerhet el 3arabe, kerhet sa2afitna, w ma ba2a bada chi khasso bil 3arabe, bas bil 3akes kafeit w  ma3da 3am tidrous w bit2ile:” sah ana hazineh inno ma 2diret kafe ana w hayda el shrek ma3  enno ana kenet 3am ba3moul kel chi houwe bado ye, bas min wara haydeh el ossa ana haseit  inno houwe 3ataneh forsah inno 2t3araf 3ala sa2afe kteer hilwe, logha bitjanen”. W ba3eda  mkafeyeh bil alogha al 3arabiyeh w ba3edha 3am tidrous w hala2 3am tdawer 3a cheghel hayda  hadafha bit2ile” ana bade dawer 3ala shoghol bil chare2 el 2awsat 2ad ma ana kteer habeit 2l  sa2afe.” 

No, on the contrary, it’s not that sad. At first, I thought when he broke up with her, she would  stop learning arabic — that she would hate the language, hate our culture, and wouldn’t want  anything to do with Arabic anymore. But instead, she continued, and she’s still studying. She  told me: ‘Yes, I’m sad that I couldn’t continue with this partner, even though I was doing  

everything he wanted. But because of this experience, I feel like he gave me the chance to get to  know a really beautiful culture and an amazing language.’ 

She’s still progressing with learning Arabic, still studying, and now she’s looking for a job (in  the middle east). That’s her goal. She told me: ‘I want to look for a job in the Middle East  because I fell in love with the culture.’” 


ما شأهلل قدي عندها حافز جواتها تكمل، صراحا هل شي رطبت بالنهاية عندها بااللم، بتعرفي نحنا احياناًمنرطبت حتى بمكان، عطر،ريحا لما ترطبت عنا بااللم منحس خلص بدنا نتركها ما بدنا نقرب عليها بس هي أل كملت. هلشي بخليني افهم وفكر انوا  نحن لما بدنا نتعلم أي شي نحاول ما نربطه بشخص أو بظرف بالنهاية نحن عايشين بحياة عم تتغير كل لحظة والشي الموجود  هلق يمكن ما يكون موجود بكرا. 

Mashallah kadeh 3inda hafez jouwata tkamel, saraha hal chi rtabat 3inda bil niheyeh bil 2alam,  w bta3rfe nihna 2ahyanan mnortobet hata bi makan, 3otor, riha, lama tortobet 3enno bil 2alam  minhes khalas badna nitrikah w badna n2areb 3layah bas hiyeh la2 kamaleit. Hal chi bikhalineh  2fham w faker 2nno nihna lama badna nit3alam ay chi nhawel ma norobto bichakhes aw bizaref  bil niheyeh nihna 3eychen bihayet 3am titghayar kil lahza w el chi al moujoud hala2 yimkin ma  ykoun mawoujoud bourka. 

“Mashallah, she has such strong motivation inside her to keep going. Honestly, this whole thing  was connected to her pain at the end. You know, sometimes we attach ourselves to a place, a  scent, or a smell, and when it gets tied to pain, we feel like we want to leave it and never go near  it again. But she didn’t; she kept going. This makes me understand and reflect that when we want 

to learn anything, we should try not to tie it to a person or a circumstance. At the end, we live in  a world that’s constantly changing, and what’s here today might not be here tomorrow.” 


مية بالمية 100% 

Miye bil miyeh

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5 Careers in Levantine Arabic with Fun Facts

5 Careers in Levantine Arabic with Fun Facts

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Notes of Video “Careers”

Learning a new language is an exciting journey, especially when it involves discovering interesting cultural and professional aspects tied to the language. In the Levantine region, certain careers hold a special place in daily life, often accompanied by fascinating facts that might surprise even the most dedicated language learners. In this blog, we’ll explore five unique careers that are not only essential to the fabric of Levantine society but also come with fun and intriguing facts. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student of Levantine Arabic, these careers offer a deeper understanding of the language, culture, and the people who bring these professions to life.

Five Careers in Levantine Arabic that you must know when looking for the ‘right guy or right girl’

Khames mehan bil 3arabe lezim ta3refon lama btkun 3am tfatesh 3ala ebn el-7alel w bnt el-7alel. 

خمس مهن بالعربي لازم نعرفهم لما بنكون عم نفتش على ‘ابن الحلال وبنت الحلال

  • 1.
Uncountable Noun Countable Noun (m/f) Fun Fact 
English Medicine Doctor  Did you know that a neurologist can earn more than $700,000 a year?
Phonetic Tob Tabeeb / Tabeebeh Bta3erfu inu tabeeb el-a3sab momkin ywasel ma3ashu la-aktar min $700,000 bil seneh?
Arabic  طب طبيب / طبيبة بتعرفوا انه طبيب الاعصاب ممكن يوصّل معاشه لاكثر من 700,000 دولار بالسنة؟

  • 2.
Uncountable Noun Countable Noun (m/f) Fun Fact 
English Engineering Engineer  By the way, Russia has the highest number of Engineers in the world. They are known in Engineering. 
Phonetic Handaseh Mhandes / Mhandeseh 3ala bekrah, Russia 3inda aqsah 3adad mhandeseen bil 3alam. Hene mash-hurin bil handaseh. 
Arabic  هندسة مهندس / مهندسة على فكرة, روسيا عندها اقصى عدد مهندسين بالعالم هني مشهورين بالهندسة

  • 3.
Uncountable Noun Countable Noun (m/f) Fun Fact 
English Art Artist Imagine in 1992 the artist Fairuz sued Madonna yes yes Madonna for using her song without her permission. 
Phonetic Fan Fanen / Faneneh Tkhayalu b seneh 1992 el-faneneh Fairuz rafa3et da3weh 3ala Madonna eh eh Madonna le2an sta3malet ghineyeta bidun ezna. 
Arabic  فن فنان / فنانة تخايلوا بسنة 1992 الفنانه فيروز رفع دعوة على مادونا ايه ايه مادونا لان استعملت اغنيتها بدون اذنها

  • 4.
Uncountable Noun Countable Noun (m/f) Fun Fact 
English Accounting  Accountant  Did you the person that invented the Bubble Gum was an accountant? His name was Water Deimer and by the way he invented it by accident. 
Phonetic Mo7asabeh Mo7aseb / Mo7asbeh  Bta3erfu yale khtara3 el-bubble gum ken mo7aseb w esmo Walter Deimer? w 3ala fekrah ekhtara3ha bil ghalat! 
Arabic  محاسبة محاسب / محاسبة بتعرفوا يلي اخترع البابل غم كان محاسب واسمه وولتر دايمر وعلى فكره اخترعها بالغلط


  • 5.
Uncountable Noun Countable Noun (m/f) Fun Fact 
English Nursing  Nurse They say a nurse walks more than 5 kilometers in her shift? Which is about 12 hours. 
Phonetic Tamreed Momared / Momaredah  Al bi2ulu el-momrideah btemshe aktar min 5 kilometer bil shift taba3ha? Ya3ne b !2 se3ah.
Arabic  تمريض ممرض وممرضة قال بيقولوا الممرضه بتمشي اكثر من 5 كيلو متر بالشيفت تبعها? يعني ب 12 ساعة 

Language learning is more than just mastering vocabulary and grammar; it’s about connecting with the culture and people who speak it. By exploring these five careers and their associated fun facts, you’ve gained insight into the daily lives of those in the Levant and how language plays a role in their professions. Whether you’re aiming to improve your conversational skills or simply enjoy the richness of Levantine Arabic, understanding these careers will deepen your appreciation for the language. Keep exploring, keep learning, and let these cultural insights inspire your journey with Levantine Arabic!

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8 Qualities you don’t want in a guy in Levantine Arabic

8 Qualities you don’t want in a guy in Levantine Arabic

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Notes of Video “Adjectives”

Phonetic Script:  

Tman mowasafet ma badek yeha bil shab, ela iza ente bit7ebe el-az3ar! 

  1. Neswanje: El-zameh yale bi7eb ktir el-neswen. 
  2. Sakarje: El-shakhes yale modmen aw byeshrab ktir alcohol. 
  3. Amarje: El-7adan yale byel3ab ktir qmar. 
  4. Mash-kalje: Yale b7eb ya3mul ktir mashekel ma3 el-3alam.
  5. Diwanje: Yale belef w bidor 
  6. Za3barje: Yale bikazeb ktir w khasatan bil business. 
  7. Ta3atje: El-shakhes yale modmen 3ala el-mokhadarat.
  8. Fetanje: Huwe yale be3ale2 el-3alam biba3da

Arabic Script:  

ثمان مواصفات ما بدك اياها بالشب, الا اذا انت بتحبي الازعر!

  ١. نسونجي الزلمه يلي بحب كثير النسوان

 سكرجي الشخص يلي مدمن او بيشرب كثير الكول ٢  

 قمرجي الحدن يلي بيلعب كثير قمار ٣

  ٤         مشكلجي يلي بيحب يعمل كثير مشاكل مع العالم 

ديوانجي يلي بلف وبيدور او مش صاد ٥

زعبرجي يلي بكذب كثير وخاصه بالبزنس  ٦

 تعطجي الشخص يلي مدمن على المخدرات ٧

! لي حاس نسيت شيء اه بعد في الفتنجي

 الفتنجي هو يلي بعلق العالم ببعضها ٨

English Translation: 

Eight qualities you don’t want in a guy! Unless you like troublemakers. 

  1. Neswanjeh: A guy who loves women too much, a womanizer. 
  2. Sekarjeh: A person who is an alcoholic or drinks a lot. 
  3. Amarjeh: Someone who gambles exessively, a gambler. 
  4. Mashkaljeh: Someone who likes to cause a lot of trouble with people. 
  5. Diwanjeh: Someone who is deceitful or dishonest. 
  6. Zaabarjeh: Someone who lies a lot, especially in business. 
  7. Ta’atjeh: A person who is addicted to drugs. 

Why do I feel like I forgot something? 

8. Fatanjeh: Someone who causes conflicts or stirs trouble among people. 

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4 Different Ways to Say ‘I Don’t Know’ in Levantine

4 Different Ways to Say ‘I Don’t Know’ in Levantine

Thank you for being here 🤍

Notes of Video “I don’t know”

Phonetic Script:  

3ilmeh 3elmak! Walah ma ba3ref! Ma 3inde fekrah! W Allah a3lam! 

Arba3 toro2 fikon t2ulu fiha ma ba3ref bil 3arabe el-derej. 

  1. Bta3erfeh aya se3ah byefta7 el-mat3a yale 7ad el-bet? 3ilmeh 3ilmak! 
  2. Laike bta3erfe lesh Maya dalatet sowarha heye w sa7eba ma32ol tarako? Wala ma ba3ref! 
  3. Shu 3amlin hal sayfiyeh, badkon nsefer sawa? Ma 3inde fekrah! 
  4. 3am de2elak Maya? Ma32ol za3leneh? Wala Allah a3lam! Ma aletle shi. 

Arabic Translation: 

علمي علمك! والله ما بعرف! ما عندي فكرة! وألله أعلم!

 اربع طرق فيكم تقولوا فيها ما بعرف بالعربي الدارج

 1- بتعرفي اي ساعة بيفتح المطعم يلي حدّ البيت? علمي علمك!

 2- ليكي بتعرفي ليش مايا دلّتت صورها هي وصاحبها معقول تركوا؟ والله ما بعرف !

3- شو عاملين هالصيفية, بدكم نسافر سوا؟ ما عندي فكرة!

 4- عم بتدقّلك مايا؟ معقول زعلانة؟ والله ألله اعلم! ما قالت لي شي. 

English Translation:

For exact translation of each phrase, refer to the table below. 

Four different ways to say ‘I don’t know’ in conversational Arabic. 

  1. Do you know what time the restaurant next to our house opens? I don’t know! 
  2. Do you know why Maya deleted her pictures with her boyfriend did they break up? I swear I don’t know! 
  3. What are you doing this summer, do you want to travel together? I don’t know! 
  4. Is Maya calling you? Is she upset? I swear I don’t know! She didn’t say anything. 

Exact Meaning:

Phrase Translation Phonetic  Translation Arabic 
My knowledge is your knowledge. 3elmeh 3elmak علمي علمك
I swear I don’t know!  Wala ma ba3ref والله ما بعرف
I have no idea  Ma 3inde fekrah  ما عندي فكرة
I swear God knows  Walah Allah a3lam والله ألله اعلم


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