Join Our Kids Levantine Classes
Fall Registration is Now Open!
After a successful spring launch of our Levantine classes we have expanded our new fall sessions to accomadate the large number of interested students.
We have two programs available:
1. After School Program: Twice a week; every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 pm to 5:45 pm
Our Fall Session is from September 10- December 12.
23 sessions, $1,500, snacks will be provided.
(10% sibling discount)
2. Saturday Program from 9.30 am to 11:15 am
Our Fall Session is from September 14- December 12.
12 sessions, $840, snacks will be provided.
(10% sibling discount)
Ages: 3 to 7
Location: Chelsea, New York 10001
All Levels are welcome!
If you would like to enroll in our classes kindly send us email to:carol@nasmaofny.com