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Notes of Video “Words”. – Make sure to watch the video at the end of this page, and then follow the second time with the script! 

Language is a fascinating tapestry of words and meanings, where even the simplest phrases can have complex, multifaceted interpretations. Levantine Arabic, a dialect spoken in the Levant region, is no exception. This blog post will explore five intriguing words in Levantine Arabic that possess dual meanings in English. Understanding these nuances not only enriches your vocabulary but also provides deeper insights into the culture and everyday life of the Levant.


Break or Chance / فرصة


Chance: هيدي آخر فرصة لأشتري فيها التيكيت

This is the last chance to buy tickets 

Break:                     عندك فرصة بالشغل

Do you have a break at work?



فاضي / Empty or Available


Empty: البيت فاضي 

The house is empty.

Available:  أنا فاضي هلّأ

I’m available now. 



غريب  / Stranger or Weird 


Stranger:                 ما تعطي رقمك للغريب

Don’t give your number to a stranger. 

Weird: شكله كثير غريب

He looks very weird. 



مكتب /  Office or Desk 


Office:                      مكتب المدير على الشمال 

The manager’s office is to the left. 

Desk: كل طالب عنده مكتب بالصف

Every student has a desk in the class. 



معروف / Famous or Favor 


Famous:             مطعم الشمس كثير معروف 

Shams restaurant is very famous. 

Favor: بدي منك معروف

I want a favor from you 


Exploring the dual meanings of these five Levantine Arabic words offers a glimpse into the rich linguistic landscape of the Levant. It highlights how language can shape and reflect cultural identity and communication. As you continue your journey in learning Levantine Arabic, appreciating these nuances will enhance your conversational skills and deepen your connection to the vibrant Levantine culture. Happy learning!

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