In a heartfelt conversation between a mother and her daughter, we see the challenges of self-image and the impact of personal criticism. The daughter expresses her feelings of being overweight, reflecting on her mother’s harsh comments. She doubts her self-worth and questions her appearance, feeling discouraged before a crucial job interview. However, a supportive voice interrupts, reminding her that despite the negativity, she is beautiful, capable, and strong. This poignant dialogue highlights the importance of self-love and the need to believe in one’s own value, regardless of external judgments.

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Video Script in Arabic and English:

Daughter: Hi mama kifik? Chata2tilik.
Hello mom how are you? I have missed you.
هاي ماما كيفك؟ اشتقتلك

Mother:    Wli! bente lech noshane hal2ad?
Haram 3layke ba3dik sabiye le nez3a halik heik?
Oh, my daughter! Why have you gained so much weight?
Pity yourself, you are still a young girl. Why have you let yourself
go like this? (lt. why you ruined yourself)
ولي! بنتي ليش نصحانة هلقد؟
حرام عليكي بعدك صبية لي نازعة حالك هيك؟

Daughter:  Khalas mama! Rah sakir la2an 3inde choghol. Bye
Enough, Mom! I need to hang up now because I have work.
خلص ماما! رح س ّكر ألن عندي شغل. باي!

Daughter: Yi 3anjad ma3a ha2 el mama leik chou noshane,
sayra ad el ba2ra.
Aha! Seriously, my mom was right. I’ve gained so much weight. I
feel like I’ve become as big as a cow.
يي عنجد معا حق الماما ليك شو نصحانة صايرة قد البقرة

Daughter:  3inde interview chohogol ba3ed nos se3a….
I have a job interview in half an hour.
.عندي انترفو شغل بعد نص ساعة

Daughter:   Khalas bala ma rouh la2an akid ma rah ywazfo hada
Bichi3 mitle.
It’s okay not to go because surely they won’t hire anyone as ugly as me.
خلص بال ما روح الن أكيد ما رح يوظفو حدا بشع متلي

Woman:       Wa2fe!! Stop!! Ou3a tsad2e kilme n2alit, ente hilwe w nejha.
Stop! Stop! Don’t you dare believe a word that was said. You
are beautiful and successful.
وقفي! ستوب!! أوعى تصدقي كلمة انقالت، ان ِت حلوة
Woman:       Please! Sad2ine hata law 2a2rab el nes jarahouke.
Please believe me, even if the closest people have hurt you.
بليز! صدقيني حتى لو أقرب الناس جرحوكي!

Woman:     Sad2e w wsa2e inik 2dra w hilweh w awiyeh.
Believe and trust that you are capable, beautiful, and strong.
صدقي ووثقي انك قادرة وحلوة وقوية.

In conclusion, this touching dialogue underscores the profound effect that self-perception and external criticism can have on our confidence. Despite the harsh comments from her mother, the daughter is reminded of her inherent worth and strength by a compassionate voice. This conversation serves as a powerful reminder to embrace self-love and trust in our own value, regardless of negative feedback. Ultimately, it highlights the importance of surrounding ourselves with support and nurturing our self-esteem, allowing us to overcome doubts and face challenges with renewed confidence.