Levantien Classes 

Specifically Developed for all ages – Join our community

Arabic is the world’s most spoken language in the world and we want you to enjoy learning it in a fun way. Learn Arabic in several dialects – Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or Levantine Dialect. Levantine is a broad dialect of Arabic spoken in the Eastern Mediterranean coastal strip. It is considered one of the five major varieties of Arabic. In the frame of the general diglossia status of the Arab world, Levantine Arabic is used for daily spoken use, and is part of Eastern Arabic (known as Mashriqi Arabic) that includes Mesopotamian Arabic and peninsular Arabic along with Levantine. Whether you choose to speak like a Beiruti or a Shami Carol have got you covered!

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5 Careers in Levantine Arabic with Fun Facts

Thank you for being here 🤍 Notes of Video “Careers” Learning a new language is an exciting journey, especially when it involves discovering interesting cultural and professional aspects tied to the language. In the Levantine region, certain careers hold a special...

8 Qualities you don’t want in a guy in Levantine Arabic

Thank you for being here 🤍 Notes of Video “Adjectives” Phonetic Script:   Tman mowasafet ma badek yeha bil shab, ela iza ente bit7ebe el-az3ar!  Neswanje: El-zameh yale bi7eb ktir el-neswen.  Sakarje: El-shakhes yale modmen aw byeshrab ktir alcohol.  Amarje: El-7adan...

4 Different Ways to Say ‘I Don’t Know’ in Levantine

Thank you for being here 🤍 Notes of Video “I don’t know” Phonetic Script:   3ilmeh 3elmak! Walah ma ba3ref! Ma 3inde fekrah! W Allah a3lam!  Arba3 toro2 fikon t2ulu fiha ma ba3ref bil 3arabe el-derej.  Bta3erfeh aya se3ah byefta7 el-mat3a yale 7ad el-bet? 3ilmeh...

How to Open a Bank Account in Levantine Arabic

Thank you for being here 🤍 Notes of Video “Bank” Opening a bank account in a new language can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to open a bank account using Levantine Arabic phrases and...

How to Speak About Habits in Levantine Arabic?

To speak about habits in Levantine Arabic, you need to know how to use the present tense, as habits are typically expressed using present tense verbs. In Levantine Book 3, "Nawartuna" we talk a lot about habits! Here are some key points, phrases, and examples to help...

Our Goal

Create a community that challenges and nurtures fun, individual and community-based growth. “Nasma Levantine Classes” is to hand-down the Levantine heritage to the next generation. With a shared, fun, rewarding, and safe environment, through diverse activities and programs.

Our Team

Is devoted, professional, and qualified teachers who are proud of their Levantine Heritage. Through Nasma they want to introduce the beauty of the Arabic culture and positivity impact today’s youth through education and acceptance.

Price: $75

10 session semester. We are offering 20% sibling discount.

Contact us to join our unique Arabic Levantine classes for kids in NYC.  If you wish to enroll kindly email us at: carol@nasmaofny.com  (Seats are limited! )

Price: $75

10 session semester. We are offering 20% sibling discount.

Contact us to join our unique Arabic Levantine classes for kids in NYC.  If you wish to enroll kindly email us at: carol@nasmaofny.com  (Seats are limited! )

Our Location

We are waiting for you…

Chelsea, New Your

Ages: 3 to 6

Contact Nasma Of NY


Email : Carol@nasmaofny.com

Phone Number: 347 593 2576




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