The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has issued a report urging the United States to devote more resources to language education. The following data represents the failure of American Schools in teaching Foreign Language. According to this research, American kids have far less access to foreign language teaching than kids in other economically developed nations. They are far less likely to be bilingual or multilingual.

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How did America lose its Native Language?

There are several reasons for the poor status of bilingual and multilingual proficiency in the United States. There are far too many of the children with the greatest potential to become competent bilinguals — those born to immigrants – lose their parents’ native tongue. Immigrants are said to have entirely lost proficiency in their ancestral languages by the third generation.

The availability of ongoing support (political, social, and educational) for the preservation of minority languages is limited. Bilingualism can be hampered by a widespread belief that learning English is more essential than maintaining one’s native tongue.


Low Expectations on Learning Foreign Language

Another issue that may be contributing to the lack of multilingual competency in the United States is low expectations. Issues like there are too many Americans believe that foreign language training is a sham. They believe that a huge number of students will never become fluent in another language. They think that investing time in foreign language learning is a waste of time.

How do we account for the fact that 100% of students in Germany, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Singapore, and many other countries achieve excellent levels of proficiency in English including other languages? Is there a strange stumbling block to learning a foreign language among American students?


Taking advantage of new opportunities

Despite most curricula’s existing limitations, the classroom experience can provide a solid basis for actually learning a foreign language.

This is especially true when a genuine chance for communication presents itself. On vacations overseas, some pupils are fortunate enough to have the opportunity. Others might look for it by helping in refugee shelters or programmes for immigrant youngsters, or by looking for native speakers on social media.

The main mistake American schools are making is they tend to focus more on teaching grammar of the language to the students. They should rather impart conversational and speaking skills of the language to the students so they develop a habit of speaking the language more confidently and correctly.

That’s why through Nasma Of NY, one can improve their communication and speaking skills through our Adults Group Conversation Classes.

With so much potential to improve foreign language training, let us not abandon it altogether. Instead, let us figure out how to supplement it with experiences that allow students to make the most of it!

Nasma Of NY, one can become confident and gain exceptional speaking and conversational skills. We offer a series of courses and classes catering to every age group. Visit Nasma Of NY to know more.