Learning a new language is a tricky affair. You cannot master it overnight – it takes a huge amount of effort and dedication to learn it the right way. There are plenty of learners of Arabic or any other language who struggle with different issues. Learning how to speak Arabic can be a pretty smooth ride if the learning is done in the right way.

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People are able to understand a new language but they struggle to speak or converse in it. They have the knowledge of that language and have learnt all the vocabulary in their head but they can’t get themselves to speak. This makes them question whether they’re really fluent in that language or not.


Here are some tips and suggestions to make your language learning a smoother process:



Avoid Passive Learning

Passive learning is when we learn a language through reading or learning and grasping the vocabulary. The moment we listen to a new word, we go to see what the meaning of the word is and try to memorize it. It is called passive is because we’re not really putting the word to use in our conversations straight away.

What you should do instead is to make sure you’re producing the word or expression straight away after learning it. These are the steps you should follow:


  1. Learn a new word
  2. Search the meaning
  3. See examples of how that word is used in a sentence
  4. Write it down in your vocabulary book
  5. Say it out loud
  6. Make three sentences on your own using that word
  7. Revise the vocabulary words

Nasma Of NY’s Levantine Arabic textbooks for Adults and Children is designed in ways where they can keep reminding you of the different words you’ve learnt until you’re familiar with them. There are different books for different levels, like Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.



Practice, practice, practice speaking Arabic!

The key to learning anything – be it a language or any instrument – you just have to keep practising. After you’ve successfully completed the steps above, you need to actually start practising speaking Arabic. This will help you acquire the language the way babies learn – they don’t understand grammar but they speak whatever and however they learnt from their surroundings and improve as they go ahead.

Language schools focus a lot on grammar but not conversation. That’s why at Nasma Of NY’s Adult Group Conversation Classes, we focus on acquiring conversational skills of Levantine Arabic more than the grammar.


What can I do to practice speaking Arabic?

Make Presentations in Arabic

Make presentations about different topics and deliver them in Arabic. It should be a properly structured video – right from the introduction to the conclusion – everything should be spoken in Arabic. You can record yourself while speaking to spot your errors.


Paraphrase in Arabic

Paraphrase whenever you’re consuming content. At every gap of five minutes, pause and paraphrase what you heard while watching a movie or reading a book. You can retell the story in your own words in Arabic.


Remember, understanding but not being able to speak Arabic is a very common issue. Do not get demotivated and stop the learning process. Follow these tips and get enrolled with Nasma Of NY’s Adult Group Conversation Classes to learn to speak Arabic the right way!