It can be frightening to learn the Arabic alphabet in order. There are numerous different letters. Additionally, it is written in a different style and contains a few choices that you should keep in mind.

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The Arabic alphabet set’s highlights are shown below. They’ve limited it to the four “rules” that are generally important and that one would want to be aware of. In all honesty, none of these present a problem. However, they are strange right away!


Arabic Is Written From Right To Left

The most important Arabic fact that you should be aware of is this. The majority of people have never written from left to right. And getting used to it takes some time. But the answer to this is time and practise. Additionally, you adapt to it quite quickly. Additionally, it mimics the general dialect reading manner of “each flat line in turn.”


Arabic Words Are Connected By Letters

Arabic words do not consist of separate letters. They are connected in some way. As a result, it resembles cursive in several ways.

The letters, however, “stick together.” The reason this is confusing at first is because it might somewhat alter the feel of the actual letters.


Depending on their position in the word, Arabic letters will vary slightly.

If a letter is located in the beginning (first), middle (average), or end (last) of a word in Arabic, it will appear to be unique.

An Arabic letter’s appearance can alter when it is actually used in a word.

It’s important to note that many of the letters don’t appear all that differently when they alter. Most Arabic letters are relatively consistent, no matter where they appear in a word.

When everything is taken into account, a few letters DO have a different structure. At first, this could be a little confusing. But it really does call for a little bit of repetition retention.

Most Arabic letters don’t undergo much modification. The case in the letter is very awful. You can learn “structure exchange” much more quickly than you might think.


Vowels Are Absent in Arabic

You read it correctly! Without a doubt, vowels are absent from Arabic alphabet.

Even though this seems incredibly strange to a native English speaker, it’s not at all a noteworthy problem. Arabic does have vowel-sounding characters. The final three characters in the Arabic alphabet are the letters the, the, and the.

There is a “basic framework” in Arabic. This suggests that any collection of words can often be created by adding various letters to the “root,” which is normally three letters.


To learn more intricacies of the beautiful Arabic language, go ahead and enroll yourself in Nasma Of NY’s Levantine Arabic masterclass now!