Do you want to build a language plan but don’t know where to begin? Do you need assistance breaking down your language objectives? Don’t know where to start when it comes to changing down a language goal? We’ll show you how to break down a big, wide aim into smaller and smaller chunks. It’s a lot easy than you might believe, and it’ll make a significant difference in your language learning. So, let’s begin with the long-term objectives.

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Long Term Goals

Our long-term goal are usually vague and not very defined. “I wish to reside in Lebanon,” or “I want to meet acquaintances from Lebanese-speaking countries,” are two examples. These are admirable objectives, and they are certainly the first things that come to mind when considering why you want to learn another language. To attain these objectives, however, we will need to break them down into smaller chunks. Working from huge to little, despite its appearance, is not as difficult as you might believe. As an example, we’ll take the goal of “I want to reside in Lebanon.” We can see that visiting or living in a nation where their target language is spoken is a common desire for language learners. But how are we going to get there? So, where do we begin? What should be our primary priority? A broad goal like this does not provide a clear path for us to follow in order to achieve it.


Monthly/Seasonal Goals

Our long-term ambition is to settle in Lebanon. So, how are we going to get there? To begin, we should break down the smaller goals into monthly or seasonal objectives. These are essentially the same thing, however monthly focuses on a single month, whereas seasonal focuses on three or four months at a time. Both are acceptable; it is up to the learner to decide.

We’ll break down our goal into three smaller goals, each lasting around a month. These will be our medium-term objectives. So, what should we be able to talk about if we live in Lebanon? Going around town, meeting people, and possibly going to the airport will all be beneficial. These objectives appear to be a little broad, although not nearly as broad as “living in Lebanon”. Each of these topics may be the subject of a month’s worth of work. However, we still need to break it down a little more. Let’s see if we can come up with weekly or even daily schedules.


Weekly/Daily Goals

We can break them down even more if we stick with our “living in Lebanon” aim and look at one of the following, smaller goals. We may build a few extra goals to achieve over the month if we take the monthly aim of “travelling about town.” So, what are we going to need in order to go around town? We may require instructions, place names, transportation, and other information. In the end, it’s entirely up to you what you choose to focus on and in what order. This is merely an illustration. We may devote one week to learning and practicing directions, the following week to transportation, and the following week to anything else. You may also devote two or three days on one of these tiny topics before moving on to the next. It’s always up to you and your own personal rhythm!


Goal Evaluation

You’ll also want to keep track of your improvement as time goes on. To accomplish this, it’s a good idea to document, or write down, what you think you can do in a topic before you begin. “Live in Lebanon” is too wide, but “knowing directions” is also too tiny to contemplate. You’ll have enough time to write in your reflection while remaining focused if you express how you feel about your ability to talk about “going around town.” Just to clarify, you are not required to write a reflection. You could also record an audio or capture a video of yourself speaking. You mostly want to know where you are. You can complete a second reflection at the end of the time period you choose – it could be one week or one month – to think about how things went. Did you succeed in achieving your objective? Are you able to speak about those topics? What did you find to be effective? What didn’t go over well with you? You can also think about your methods. It’s critical to figure out what works best for you in your process. You want to keep something that is operating well. If it isn’t, it’s time to switch things up!


Changing Goals

If you ever feel that your tactics or goals need to be adjusted, make the necessary changes. Don’t feel bad about altering your plans. Keep in mind why you are studying the language in the first place. Learning a language takes time, and your priorities and goals will certainly shift during that period. You don’t have to wait until you’ve completed one lesson or objective to switch them. I’m saying this because I’m like that at times and understand how you feel. However, if learning is becoming a chore or losing your interest, you are free to alter it at any time, with no justification required.


Keep in mind that this is YOUR language journey, and everything you’re experiencing is a part of it. In the end, it’s only your view that matters. If something doesn’t seem to be working, modify it. Creating goals in this manner is not required; it is merely something that people have found useful in my attempts to learn several languages.

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