One of the most beautiful and graceful dialects in the world is Arabic. It’s the hardest language to learn, especially if you’re doing language study at home. With the help of these pointers and tricks, you may include Arabic study into your daily routine.

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Put out Goals that are identifiable and attainable

Set SMART targets for yourself (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound). Don’t overcommit as well. Don’t let yourself believe that you will be able to read for hours on end when, in reality, you won’t be able to! You should have local goals that are important to you. They should reflect your WHY and take into account the amount of effort and time you are aware you can devote.


Utilize a language learning application

There are several smartphone applications available to help you learn it quickly. Moreover, they can also develop a review habit. Most of these applications are completely free.


Watch Arabic news and narratives

Try watching recordings from popular Arabic news outlets to hone your listening skills. Examples are BBC Arabic, Al Jazeera, and Sky News Arabia. If you only have a few minutes to spare, short news recordings are fantastic. If you have a little more time, you may also watch a lot of stories on YouTube that are either spoken or named in Arabic.


Peruse a news story consistently

Regardless of whether you read anything beyond the main area, we strongly advise trying to read one article per day. Reading helps you expand your vocabulary, handle important sentence construction concepts, and sharpen your attentiveness. You’ll see results quickly in a variety of language learning contexts, such as talking and listening.


Keep a vocab journal

This is a particularly straightforward and effective technique for keeping track of what you’re understanding and making sure you retain any new words. Every week, decide what you want to accomplish, and write it down while you read or watch recordings. You can even choose words from textbooks that explicitly cover the language.

Here is a link to our Arabic textbook.


Pay attention to Arabic music and radio

It’s a remarkable way to immerse yourself in the language and passively pick up phrases and expressions, especially those that you might not learn from a book or formal study, to pay attention to Arabic, whether it’s spoken or sung.


Watch Arabic TV shows and films

A remarkable way to improve your listening skills is to watch Arabic TV shows and movies, and best of all, it practically involves no effort! There are a tonne of fantastic Arabic boxsets available on Netflix.

You can check out Nasma Of NY’s Levantine Arabic podcast here.


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