8 Qualities you don’t want in a guy in Levantine Arabic

8 Qualities you don’t want in a guy in Levantine Arabic

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Notes of Video “Adjectives”

Phonetic Script:  

Tman mowasafet ma badek yeha bil shab, ela iza ente bit7ebe el-az3ar! 

  1. Neswanje: El-zameh yale bi7eb ktir el-neswen. 
  2. Sakarje: El-shakhes yale modmen aw byeshrab ktir alcohol. 
  3. Amarje: El-7adan yale byel3ab ktir qmar. 
  4. Mash-kalje: Yale b7eb ya3mul ktir mashekel ma3 el-3alam.
  5. Diwanje: Yale belef w bidor 
  6. Za3barje: Yale bikazeb ktir w khasatan bil business. 
  7. Ta3atje: El-shakhes yale modmen 3ala el-mokhadarat.
  8. Fetanje: Huwe yale be3ale2 el-3alam biba3da

Arabic Script:  

ثمان مواصفات ما بدك اياها بالشب, الا اذا انت بتحبي الازعر!

  ١. نسونجي الزلمه يلي بحب كثير النسوان

 سكرجي الشخص يلي مدمن او بيشرب كثير الكول ٢  

 قمرجي الحدن يلي بيلعب كثير قمار ٣

  ٤         مشكلجي يلي بيحب يعمل كثير مشاكل مع العالم 

ديوانجي يلي بلف وبيدور او مش صاد ٥

زعبرجي يلي بكذب كثير وخاصه بالبزنس  ٦

 تعطجي الشخص يلي مدمن على المخدرات ٧

! لي حاس نسيت شيء اه بعد في الفتنجي

 الفتنجي هو يلي بعلق العالم ببعضها ٨

English Translation: 

Eight qualities you don’t want in a guy! Unless you like troublemakers. 

  1. Neswanjeh: A guy who loves women too much, a womanizer. 
  2. Sekarjeh: A person who is an alcoholic or drinks a lot. 
  3. Amarjeh: Someone who gambles exessively, a gambler. 
  4. Mashkaljeh: Someone who likes to cause a lot of trouble with people. 
  5. Diwanjeh: Someone who is deceitful or dishonest. 
  6. Zaabarjeh: Someone who lies a lot, especially in business. 
  7. Ta’atjeh: A person who is addicted to drugs. 

Why do I feel like I forgot something? 

8. Fatanjeh: Someone who causes conflicts or stirs trouble among people. 

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4 Different Ways to Say ‘I Don’t Know’ in Levantine

4 Different Ways to Say ‘I Don’t Know’ in Levantine

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Notes of Video “I don’t know”

Phonetic Script:  

3ilmeh 3elmak! Walah ma ba3ref! Ma 3inde fekrah! W Allah a3lam! 

Arba3 toro2 fikon t2ulu fiha ma ba3ref bil 3arabe el-derej. 

  1. Bta3erfeh aya se3ah byefta7 el-mat3a yale 7ad el-bet? 3ilmeh 3ilmak! 
  2. Laike bta3erfe lesh Maya dalatet sowarha heye w sa7eba ma32ol tarako? Wala ma ba3ref! 
  3. Shu 3amlin hal sayfiyeh, badkon nsefer sawa? Ma 3inde fekrah! 
  4. 3am de2elak Maya? Ma32ol za3leneh? Wala Allah a3lam! Ma aletle shi. 

Arabic Translation: 

علمي علمك! والله ما بعرف! ما عندي فكرة! وألله أعلم!

 اربع طرق فيكم تقولوا فيها ما بعرف بالعربي الدارج

 1- بتعرفي اي ساعة بيفتح المطعم يلي حدّ البيت? علمي علمك!

 2- ليكي بتعرفي ليش مايا دلّتت صورها هي وصاحبها معقول تركوا؟ والله ما بعرف !

3- شو عاملين هالصيفية, بدكم نسافر سوا؟ ما عندي فكرة!

 4- عم بتدقّلك مايا؟ معقول زعلانة؟ والله ألله اعلم! ما قالت لي شي. 

English Translation:

For exact translation of each phrase, refer to the table below. 

Four different ways to say ‘I don’t know’ in conversational Arabic. 

  1. Do you know what time the restaurant next to our house opens? I don’t know! 
  2. Do you know why Maya deleted her pictures with her boyfriend did they break up? I swear I don’t know! 
  3. What are you doing this summer, do you want to travel together? I don’t know! 
  4. Is Maya calling you? Is she upset? I swear I don’t know! She didn’t say anything. 

Exact Meaning:

Phrase Translation Phonetic  Translation Arabic 
My knowledge is your knowledge. 3elmeh 3elmak علمي علمك
I swear I don’t know!  Wala ma ba3ref والله ما بعرف
I have no idea  Ma 3inde fekrah  ما عندي فكرة
I swear God knows  Walah Allah a3lam والله ألله اعلم


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How to Open a Bank Account in Levantine Arabic

How to Open a Bank Account in Levantine Arabic

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Notes of Video “Bank”

Opening a bank account in a new language can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to open a bank account using Levantine Arabic phrases and vocabulary.

Phonetic Script:  

Badak tefta7 7seb bil bank b lebnen? Eh akid estez fik tefta7 7seb ma3na! Ma3ak passport aw el-haweyeh? Aw aya shi bi2arje esmak el-kemel w tereakh miledak? Tamem! 3omrak fo2 el-tmanta3shar sene? 3azim! Iza bitred 3abe hayda talab, badna ra2em telephonak el-shakhse, 3inwenak, jinsak, w jinsetak. W Aya no3 7sen yale 7abeb tefta7u ma3na? Badak tefta7o bil dollar aw lebnene? Ah ma3ak fresh dollars? Eh akid estez ya ahla w sahla. Bit7eb teshrab ahweh 3aseer? Bus baynetna ma binsa7 7ada hal2 yefta7 7seb, ra7 yekhtefu! 

Arabic script: 

بدك تفتح حساب بالبنك بلبنان? اي اكيد استاذ فيك تفتح حساب معنا! معك الباسبور او الهويه ? او اي شيء بأرجي اسمك الكامل وتاريخ ميلادك? تمام! عمرك فوق ل 18 سنه? عظيم! اذا بتريد عبي هيدا الطلب, بدنا رقم تلفونك الشخصي, عنوانك, جنسك, وجنسيتك. واي نوع حساب يلي حابب تفتحه معنا. بدك تفتحه بالدولار أو باللبناني؟ اه معك فرَش دولارز؟ هه، أكيد أستاذ يا اهلا وسهلا. بتحب تشرب قهوة عصير؟ بس بيناتنا ما بنصح حدا هلّأ يفتح حساب، رح يختفوا!

English Translation: 

Do you want to open a bank account in Lebanon? Yes sure sir, you can open an account with us! Do you have a passport or ID? Or anything that indicates your full name and date of birth? Perfect! You’re above 18? Great! Please fill out this form, we need your personal phone number, your address, gender, and nationality. Which type of account would you like to open with us? Do you want to open it in Lira or dollars? Oh you have fresh dollars? Of course sir hello and welcome. Would you like to drink coffee, juice? But between us I don’t recommend anyone to open an account, they will disappear! 

The table below has all the useful vocabulary that you may need to open an account in Levantine Arabic. All of these were used in the above script. 

English Phonetic Arabic
Account 7sab حساب
Passport Passpor

(we pronounce it without the t)

ID Haweyeh الهويه
Full name Esmal el-kemel اسمك الكامل
Date of Birth Tareak miledak تاريخ ميلادك
Age 3omor عمر
Form or request Talab طلب
Personal number Talephon el-shakhse تلفون الشخصي
Address 3inwen عنوان
Gender Jinse جنس
Nationality جنسيه

Make sure to have fresh dollars if you want to open a bank account in Lebanon 🙂

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3 Effective Ways to Learn Levantine Arabic for Free

3 Effective Ways to Learn Levantine Arabic for Free

Learning Levantine Arabic language through mnemonics, listening, and the scriptorium method can be highly effective due to the following reasons:


Mnemonics are memory aids or strategies that help students remember information more easily by associating it with something more familiar, often through visualization, rhyme, acronym, or a combination of these. The key idea behind mnemonics is to create a strong mental association between the new information and something already known, making the new information easier to recall.

  1. Memory Aid: Mnemonics help in creating associations that make it easier to recall vocabulary and grammar rules. By using familiar concepts or visual imagery, learners can more easily remember new words and structures.
  2. Engagement: Creating and using mnemonics can be fun and engaging, making the learning process more enjoyable and less monotonous.
  3. Retention: Mnemonics are designed to enhance long-term retention of information, which is crucial for language learning where continuous recall is necessary.

Every Monday we post on our Instagram stories words using mnemonics. My favorite examples are:

  • Word in Arabic is: Kilmeh, to memorize I create a rhyme, when you forget a word you Kilmeh (kill me).


Developing active listening skills improves focus and concentration, essential for understanding and responding appropriately in conversations.

  1. Natural Acquisition: Listening mirrors how we naturally acquire our first language. By exposing learners to the language in context, they can pick up pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm more organically.
  2. Comprehension Skills: Regular listening practice improves comprehension skills, helping learners understand spoken language in various contexts and accents.
  3. Pronunciation: Listening helps learners develop proper pronunciation and intonation patterns by mimicking native speakers.
  4. Contextual Learning: Listening to conversations, stories, and dialogues provides contextual learning, making it easier to understand how words and phrases are used in real-life situations.

‘Levantine Arabic, made Easier’ podcast is a great place to practice your listening. We have over 40 episodes and 20 of these episodes we provide the script in Arabic, phonetics, and English translation. The best way to practice this, is to listen to an episode while following along with the script.


The Scriptorium method is a language learning technique that involves a multi-sensory approach to reinforce learning through writing, speaking, and listening. It was popularized by language educator Alexander Arguelles. The method aims to integrate different aspects of language practice, making it more comprehensive and effective.

  1. Active Learning: The scriptorium method involves writing down sentences while simultaneously speaking and listening to them. This multi-sensory approach reinforces learning through active engagement.
  2. Reinforcement: Writing and speaking sentences reinforces grammatical structures and vocabulary, helping to solidify them in memory.
  3. Focus on Form: This method allows learners to focus on the correct form of words and sentences, reducing errors and improving accuracy over time.
  4. Productive Skills: By writing and speaking, learners practice productive skills, which are crucial for language proficiency.

We started posting weekly short reels on our Instagram page. These reels are short stories and we also provide the script! You can pick one line or phrase from these stories and write it three times. With this method you are practicing listening, writing, and reading aloud. Try watching this video and follow scriptorium three steps!

Combined Benefits

  • Holistic Learning: Combining mnemonics, listening, and the scriptorium method provides a comprehensive approach to language learning, engaging different cognitive processes and learning styles.
  • Repetition and Reinforcement: These methods ensure repeated exposure and practice, which are essential for mastering a new language.
  • Motivation and Confidence: The engaging nature of mnemonics, the natural approach of listening, and the active participation required in the scriptorium method can boost motivation and confidence in learners.

Using these techniques together can create a rich, immersive language learning experience in Levantine Arabic that caters to various aspects of language acquisition, making the process more efficient and enjoyable.

Eid Fotor Saeed

Eid Fotor Saeed

Eid al-Fitr, known as the “Festival of Breaking the Fast,” is one of the most significant celebrations in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting, prayer, and reflection. The celebration begins with the special Eid prayer, followed by festive meals, the giving of gifts, and acts of charity. Traditional foods and sweets, new clothes, and vibrant decorations are all part of the joyous occasion.

Greeting each other with heartfelt wishes is an essential part of the Eid al-Fitr celebrations. Here are four different ways to greet someone in Arabic on this special day:



English Translation

عيد مبارك Eid Mubarak Have a blessed Eid
ينعاد عليكم بالصحة والسالمة Yen3ad 3alaikoun bil saha w el saleme May the next Eid find you in [good] health and wellness
كل عام وأنت بخير Kil 3am w enta/e bikheir I wish you goodness every year
عيد فطر سعيد Eid fitr saeed Happy Eid al-Fitr


The festive spirit of Eid al-Fitr is deeply intertwined with the cultural practices and expressions of goodwill shared among loved ones. Each greeting carries its own unique sentiment, reflecting the warmth and joy of the occasion.

  • “Eid Mubarak” (مبارك عيد)  is widely used across different cultures and communities, embodying the core spirit of the celebration.
  • “Yen3ad 3alaikoun bil saha w el saleme” (ينعاد عليكم بالصحة والسالمة)  highlights the importance of health and happiness as part of the Eid festivities.
  • “Kil 3am w enta/e bikheir” (كل عام وأنت بخير)  This phrase underscores the ongoing nature of well-wishing and the continuity of good intentions.
  • “Eid fitr saeed” (عيد فطر سعيد) captures the essence of the celebration and the collective happiness shared by all.

Each of these greetings serves as a way to connect with others, share in the joy of the occasion, and reaffirm bonds of friendship and family. They are an integral part of the Eid experience, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere and reinforcing the values of unity and gratitude. Eid al-Fitr is a time of profound significance, marking the end of a spiritual journey and the beginning of new celebrations. Whether through the universal “Eid Mubarak” or the personalized wishes for health and prosperity, these phrases encapsulate the spirit of Eid and foster a sense of community and belonging.