Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is a fundamental aspect of daily life, as a routine that brings both necessity and a touch of joy. It’s an activity that goes beyond merely purchasing food because, it’s an experience that connects us to our culture, our preferences, and the people we care about. Whether it’s selecting the freshest produce, finding the best deals, or bringing home favorite treats, grocery shopping is an act of care and consideration. In the context of language learning, this everyday task offers a rich opportunity to practice and acquire new vocabulary, making it a practical and engaging way to enhance our communication skills. By immersing ourselves in the language used during grocery shopping, we not only become more adept at navigating markets and stores but also deepen our connection to the cultural nuances that come with it. This introduction sets the stage for exploring the vocabulary and phrases associated with grocery shopping, particularly in Levantine Arabic, through a warm and relatable narrative.

In this heartwarming scene, we witness a loving exchange between two partners as they come together after a trip to the supermarket. The dialogue is a beautiful blend of Arabic and English, capturing the affection and everyday simplicity of their relationship. From expressing gratitude for the small errands to enjoying the freshness of the groceries, this interaction showcases the tender moments that make up their daily life.

The Video Script:


Allo hayete jebtelek kel chi talabti, men el supermaket․

Hello, my darling! I brought you everything you asked for from the supermarket.

ألوا حياتي! جبتلك كل شيئ طلبتيه من السوبرماركت.


Haydol kil el ghrad li badik yehoun․

These are all the items that you wanted.

هيدول كل الغراض لي بدك يهون.


Shukran hayete 3am ta3abtak ma3e

Thank you, my love. I truly appreciate what you have done for me.

شكرا حياتي، عم تعبتك معي.


Habibe, ta3e choufe hal tifeha chakla bitchahe

My love, come and see this apple; it looks so appetizing.

حبيبي، تعي شوفي هالتفاحة شكلها بشهي.

Haydol kil el ghrad li badik yehoun․


W rihit hal banadoura kteer taybe

And the smell of this tomato is so delicious.

وريحت البدورة كتير طيبة.


El khibez taza. Rah a3mol 3asir el laymoun.

The bread is fresh. I will make some lemon juice.

الخبز طازة. رح اعمل عصير الليمون


Ma bitzakar talabet minak hamoud

I don’t recall asking you for lemon.

ما بتذكر طلبت منك حامض.


Mbala! Layke! Katabta 3al Whatsapp

Yes! Look! I wrote it on WhatsApp.

مبلا! ليكي! كتبتها عالواتساب.


Tayeb yalla ta nhot el khodra w el fweke bil borad

Okay, then let’s put the vegetables and the fruits in the fridge.

طيب، يلا تنحط الخضرا والفواكي بالبراد

Grocery shopping is a routine activity that offers an excellent opportunity to learn and practice Levantine Arabic vocabulary. In this section, we explore various items commonly bought from the supermarket and their corresponding terms in Levantine Arabic, framed within the context of a heartwarming interaction between two partners.

The scene begins with one partner returning home with groceries. They greet each other warmly, using affectionate terms such as “my darling” (حياتي, hayete) and “my love” (حبيبي, habibi). This affectionate language sets the tone for the entire interaction, highlighting the care and thoughtfulness behind the simple act of grocery shopping.

  • Supermarket and Items:

    The partner who did the shopping mentions bringing everything requested from the supermarket (السوبرماركت, al-supermarket) and shows all the items (غراض, ghrad) that were bought. This introduces the key terms for “supermarket” and “items.”

  • Fruits and Vegetables:

    As they go through the groceries, specific items are highlighted. The apple (تفاحة, tifeha) is noted for looking appetizing (بشهي, bishahe), and the tomato (بدورة, banadoura) is described as having a delicious smell (ريحة, riha) that is very appealing (طيبة, taybe). These descriptions help in associating the vocabulary with sensory experiences.

  • Fresh Bread and Lemon Juice:

    The freshness of the bread (خبز, khibez) is emphasized, described as fresh (طازة, taza). Additionally, there is a plan to make lemon juice (عصير الليمون, 3asir el laymoun), introducing the word for “lemon” (حامض, hamoud).

  • Thankfulness and Appreciation:

    Gratitude is expressed with “thank you” (شكرا, shukran), along with an acknowledgment of the effort made, which deepens the emotional connection in the dialogue. This interaction shows how everyday tasks can be filled with appreciation and love.

  • Communication and Clarification:

    The dialogue includes a moment of clarification where one partner doesn’t recall asking for lemons, leading to checking a message on WhatsApp (الوتساب, al-WhatsApp). This everyday situation is a practical way to learn and use the vocabulary in a real-life context.

  • Putting Away Groceries:

    Finally, the partners decide to put the vegetables (الخضرا, el khodra) and fruits (الفواكي, el fweke) in the fridge (البراد, el borad). This practical action helps reinforce the terms for common household items.

In summary, this scene is not just about grocery shopping but  an opportunity to learn and practice Levantine Arabic vocabulary in a meaningful and emotionally rich context. In addition to the loving interaction between the partners adds warmth and depth, making the learning process engaging and memorable.

5 Levantine Arabic Words with Dual English Meanings

5 Levantine Arabic Words with Dual English Meanings

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Notes of Video “Words”. – Make sure to watch the video at the end of this page, and then follow the second time with the script! 

Language is a fascinating tapestry of words and meanings, where even the simplest phrases can have complex, multifaceted interpretations. Levantine Arabic, a dialect spoken in the Levant region, is no exception. This blog post will explore five intriguing words in Levantine Arabic that possess dual meanings in English. Understanding these nuances not only enriches your vocabulary but also provides deeper insights into the culture and everyday life of the Levant.


Break or Chance / فرصة


Chance: هيدي آخر فرصة لأشتري فيها التيكيت

This is the last chance to buy tickets 

Break:                     عندك فرصة بالشغل

Do you have a break at work?



فاضي / Empty or Available


Empty: البيت فاضي 

The house is empty.

Available:  أنا فاضي هلّأ

I’m available now. 



غريب  / Stranger or Weird 


Stranger:                 ما تعطي رقمك للغريب

Don’t give your number to a stranger. 

Weird: شكله كثير غريب

He looks very weird. 



مكتب /  Office or Desk 


Office:                      مكتب المدير على الشمال 

The manager’s office is to the left. 

Desk: كل طالب عنده مكتب بالصف

Every student has a desk in the class. 



معروف / Famous or Favor 


Famous:             مطعم الشمس كثير معروف 

Shams restaurant is very famous. 

Favor: بدي منك معروف

I want a favor from you 


Exploring the dual meanings of these five Levantine Arabic words offers a glimpse into the rich linguistic landscape of the Levant. It highlights how language can shape and reflect cultural identity and communication. As you continue your journey in learning Levantine Arabic, appreciating these nuances will enhance your conversational skills and deepen your connection to the vibrant Levantine culture. Happy learning!

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Fruits & Vegetables in Levantine Arabic

Fruits & Vegetables in Levantine Arabic

Notes for video “Picnic”- Make sure to watch the video first at the bottom of the page, and then follow along with the script- Enjoy!

Ah, summer! The season of sunshine, blue skies, and the irresistible allure of the great outdoors. There’s no better way to soak up the warmth and revel in nature’s beauty than by organizing a delightful summer picnic. Whether you’re planning a cozy gathering with family, a fun day out with friends, or a romantic escape with a loved one, picnics offer the perfect blend of relaxation, good food, and wonderful memories.

I’m grateful to be able to spend my summers in Turkey and enjoy their delicious fruits. My favorites include figs (Teen / تين), pomegranates (Remen, رمان), peaches (Khokh, خوخ), and apricots (Mishmush, مشمش), among many others. You can find a list of fruits & vegetables words in Levantine Arabic in my third book, *Nawartona*. Many of these are also mentioned in my Instagram video, which you can watch at the bottom of the page.

Arabic Script: 

كيف الطقس برا؟ كثير حلو مشمّسة يلا رحنا؟ يلا ليكي شو لقيت لقيت الكعك اللبناني اللي عليه سمسم. كمان رح اخذ معي عصير, وميّ, دراق, وتفاح, وموز. بتحبي الافندي؟ كثير! عظيم هيدا . افندي. كمان رح اخذ كرز, عنب احمر, وعنب اخضر. وليكي هاالتوت بشهّوا. ليه حاسة ناسية شيء؟ اه المخلوطة يلا لضبهم، هيدا الشرشف

Phonatics Script: 

Kif el ta2es bara? Ktir 7ilo w mshemseh. Yala re7na? Yala! Laike shu l2eat, l2eat el-ka3ek el-lebneneh yale 3le simsom. Kamen ra7 ekhud ma3e 3asir, w may, dere2, w tefe7, w moz. Bit7ebe el-afande’? Ktir! 3azim hayda alande’. Kamen ra7 ekhud karaz, 3inab a7mar, w 3inab Akhdar. W lake’ hal-tout bishahu! Le 7ase nesyeh shi? Ah! El-makhlotah! Yala la dobon, hayda sharshaf.

English Translation:

How’s the weather outside? It’s very nice and sunny. Shall we go? Come on, look what I found! I found the Lebanese ka’ak with sesame seeds. I’ll also take juice and water, peaches, apples, and bananas. Do you like tangerines? Great, this tangerine is very good. I’ll also take cherries, red grapes, and green grapes. And look at these delicious-looking berries. Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something? Ah, the mixed nuts! Let’s pack them up. Here’s the tablecloth.

As we wrap up this exploration of Levantine Arabic fruits and vegetables from *Nawartona*, I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about these vibrant and flavorful treasures as much as I do savoring them each summer in Turkey. These fruits and vegetables not only bring a burst of taste and color to our plates but also carry rich cultural significance. Don’t forget to check out the Instagram video at the bottom of the page for more insights and a visual treat of these delicious wonders. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more culinary and cultural delights with you soon!


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Plural Nouns in Arabic are Hard! But These are Easy!

Plural Nouns in Arabic are Hard! But These are Easy!

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Notes of Video “Nouns”, make to check the video first at the bottom of this page- Enjoy! 

Arabic plural nouns can be challenging for several reasons:

1. **Broken Plurals**:
– Unlike English, which often forms plurals by adding “s” or “es” to the end of a noun, Arabic has a system of broken plurals. These are formed by changing the internal structure of the word, often involving vowel changes, which can be unpredictable.
– Example:
– “كتاب” (kitāb, book) becomes “كتب” (kutub, books).
– “رجل” (rajul, man) becomes “رجال” (rijāl, men).

2. **Sound Plurals**:
– Arabic also has sound plurals, which are more regular but come in two forms: masculine and feminine. These require different endings.
– Masculine sound plural: “ون” (ūn) or “ين” (īn).
– Example: “معلم” (mu’allim, teacher) becomes “معلمون” (mu’allimūn, teachers).
– Feminine sound plural: “ات” (āt).
– Example: “معلمة” (mu’allima, female teacher) becomes “معلمات” (mu’allimāt, female teachers).

3. **Dual Form**:
– Arabic has a special form for exactly two items, known as the dual form. This is formed by adding “ان” (ān) or “ين” (īn) to the end of the noun, depending on the grammatical case.
– Example: “كتاب” (kitāb, book) becomes “كتابان” (kitābān, two books).

4. **Irregularities**:
– Many nouns have irregular plurals that do not fit into a consistent pattern and must be memorized individually. This irregularity adds to the complexity.

5. **Case Endings**:
– Arabic nouns change their endings based on their case (nominative, accusative, genitive). This can affect how plurals are formed and used in sentences.

6. **Root and Pattern System**:
– Arabic uses a root and pattern system where the root (usually three consonants) conveys the basic meaning, and the pattern (vowels and additional consonants) modifies this meaning. Forming plurals often involves knowing the correct pattern to apply to a given root, which can be difficult for learners.

These factors together make learning and using Arabic plural nouns challenging, requiring significant practice and exposure to become proficient. In Book 3- ‘Nawartona’ we explain plural nouns in depth and in a simple way!

But, did you know we use several nouns in ‘Arabic’ that are actually English words and we add ‘at’ as a suffix.

Check them below:

Arabic (Singular / Plural)

Phonetics (Singular / Plural)

⁠كاميرا / كامرات Camera / Camerat 
لايك / لايكات Like / Liket 
⁠كافيه / كافايات Cafe’ / Cafeyet 
ميساج / مساجات Message / Messaget 
⁠ايميل / ايمايلات Email / Emailet 
⁠تيشرت / تشيرتات Tshirt / Tshirtet 
⁠لونت / لونتتات Lunett / Lunettet 
⁠جاكيت / جاكيتات Jacket / Jacketet
⁠شوز / شوزات Shoes / Shoeset 
⁠موتو / موتويات Moto / Motoyet 
⁠تاكسي / تاكسيات Taxi / Taxiyet 

Now Enjoy the Video!

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Three “Injuring Verbs” in Levantine Arabic & the Evil Eye :)

Three “Injuring Verbs” in Levantine Arabic & the Evil Eye :)

The belief in the evil eye, or “ayn al-hasud,” is deeply rooted in Middle Eastern culture, spanning across various countries and communities. This ancient superstition holds that a malevolent glare, often fueled by envy or ill-will, can bring misfortune, illness, or even death to the unsuspecting recipient. From everyday mishaps to major life events, many in the Middle East attribute unexplained difficulties to the sinister influence of the evil eye. Protective charms, such as the blue eye amulet or “hamsa” hand, are commonly used to ward off this negative energy. The pervasive belief in the evil eye shapes social interactions and cultural practices, demonstrating the enduring power of superstition in the modern world.

In today’s video, that is available at the bottom of the page. I share a story about how my day went wrong using three useful “injuring verbs” and blaming it all on the “3ein”.

Thank you for being here 🤍

Notes of Video “Verbs”

Phonetic Script:  

7aseh 3laye 3ein el-yom! Ta3o khaberkon shu sar ma3e el-yom: w 3eit el-sobo7 w elet bade eshrab finjen ahweh 3ala rawa2 w makhmekh abel ma yfe2o wlede. B2om bokhbut ku3e bil daraj! Elna meshe! W ana w feyteh 3al matbakh bitfarkash bil sejedeh! Elit la 7ale ya benit rakze shu beke el-yom! Jet e23od w eshrab hal fenjen el-ahweh 3ala rawa2 w shayek el-instagram abel ma yfe2o wlede, b2om bid3as 3ala el-Lego. Serit ayletlon alef marah, “dobo el-al3ab ya wled!”

Arabic script: 

حاسة عليه عين اليوم، تعو خبركم شو صار معي اليوم: وعيت الصبح وقلت بدي انزل اعمل فنجان قهوة على رواق ومخمخ فيه قبل ما يفيقوا ولادي. بقوم بخبط كوعي بالدرج قلنا ماشي! وانا وفايته عالمطبخ بتفركش بالسجادة! قلت لحالي يا بنت ركزي شو بكي اليوم. جيت القعد واشرب هالفنجان القهوة على رواق وشيك الانستغرام قبل ما يفيقوا ولادي, بقوم بدعس على الليغوا. صرت قالتهم الف مرة ,”ضبوا الالعاب يا ولاد”.

English Translation: 

I feel I have an eye on me today!  Let me tell you what happened to me today. I work up early in the morning and I said I want to go down and make a cup of coffee and enjoy it mindfully before my kids wake up. I hit my elbow with the stairs. We said it’s okay! While I’m entering the kitchen, I trip on the carpet. I told myself ‘Girl, focus what is up with you today?”. I came to sit drinking my coffee, checking my instagram before my kids woke up. I step on a Lego! I’ve told them 1 thousand times to pack the toys, kids!”

Root  Imperfect 
Khabat / خبط Ykh-bot / يخبط
Tfakrash / تفركش Yt-far-kash / يتفركش
Da3as / دعس Yd3as / يدعس

In conclusion, the belief in the evil eye remains a significant aspect of Middle Eastern culture, influencing daily life and social interactions. Despite the advances in science and technology, this ancient superstition continues to hold sway, with many attributing their misfortunes and challenges to its malevolent power. Protective rituals and amulets are still widely used, reflecting a deep-seated cultural heritage that blends the mystical with the everyday. The enduring presence of the evil eye in the Middle East highlights the powerful role of tradition and belief in shaping human experiences and perceptions.

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