Arabic is one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. Persian, Turkish, Malay, Hindi, Urdu, Indonesian, Tagalog, Somali, Swahili, and even Spanish have all been inspired by it. Urdu is one of the languages which is thought to have originated in Arabic. The key distinction between Urdu and Arabic is that Urdu is from the Indo-European language family, while Arabic is from the Afro-Asian language family. Let’s look at fifty popular Urdu words that have Arabic origin:

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Aakhir: أخر

Aakhir is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Last/final”

Aadaab: أدب

Aadaab is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “manners (plural of Adab)”

Awwaal: أول

Awwal is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “First/Excellent/Best”

Baab: باب

Baab is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Door/Gate/Chapter/Topic/Subject”

Bukhaar: بخار

Bukhaar is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Steam/Temperature/Fever/Rage”

Badr: بدر

Badr is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Full moon”

Badal: بدل

Badal is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “exchange/change/substitution”

Bait: بيت

Bait is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “House/Abode”

Daar: دار

Darr is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “House/Country”

Hukm: حكم

Hukm is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Order/Decree/Statute/Law”

Hikmat: حكمات

Hikmat is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Wisdom/Knowledge/Cleverness/Device”

Hakeem: حكيم

Hakeem is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Wise man/Doctor/Philosopher”

Hayaa: حياء

Hayaa is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Modesty/Shame”

Hayaat: حياة

Hayaat is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Life/Existence”

Insaan: انسان

Insaan is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Man/Human being/Mankind”

Insaniyat: انسانيات

is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Humanity/Civility”

Irfaan: عرفان

Irfaan is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Knowledge/Science/Wisdom”

Jaazib: جذاب

Jaazib is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Alluring/Attractive”

Jaahil: جاهل

Jaahil is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Ignorant/Illiterate/Barbarous”

Junoon: جنون

Junoon is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Madness/Insanity”

Jawaab: جواب

Jawaab is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Answer/Equal/Parallel/Match”

Jawaahir: جواهر

Jawaahir is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Jewels/Gems (plural of Jauhar)”

Khaas: خاص

Khaas is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Special/Particular/Private/Noble/Unmixed”

Khabar: خبر

Khabar is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “News/Information/Report/Rumor/Notice”

Khair: خير

Khair is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “good/best”

Kitab: كتاب

Kitab is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Book”

Kalam: قلم

Kalam is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Pen”

Muyassar: ميسر

Muyassar is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Facilitated/Easy/Possible/Feasible”

Malaal: ملل

Malaal is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Sadness/Grief/Langor/Fatigue”

Madraseh: مدرسة

Madraseh is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “School”

Mufeed: مفيد

Mufeed is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Profitable/Beneficial/Useful”

Maghroor: مغرور

Maghroor is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Proud/Arrogant”

Mazboot: مظبوط

Mazboot is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Strong/Firm/Resolute/Valid”

Matin: متين

Matin is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Strong/Solid/Vigorous/Obstinate”

Noor: نور

Noor is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Light”

Niyyat: نيات

Niyyat is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Intention/Purpose/Will/Aim”

SaaHir: ساحر

SaaHir is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Magician”

Safar: سفر

Safar is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Journey”

Sabr: صبر

Sabr is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Patience/Endurance/Submission/Suffering”

Sawaab: ثواب

Sawaab is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Reward/Recompense”

Tamaam: تمام

Tamaam is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Entire/Complete/Perfect/End”

Tameez: تمييز

Tameez is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Discernment/Judgement/Observance of etiquette”

Wafaa: وفاء

Wafaa is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Fulfilling a promise/Fulfilment/Fidelity”

Waseem: وسيم

Waseem is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Handsome/Fine countenance”

Watan: وطن

Watan is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Native country”

Waqt: وقت

Waqt is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Time”

Wadood: ودود

Wadood is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Loving/Friendly”

Yaum: يوم

Yaum is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “A day”

Yateem: يتيم

Yateem is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Orphan”

Zauq: ذوق

Zauq is an Urdu word derived from Arabic which means “Taste”


These are just fifty words out of thousands of words in the Urdu language that have been derived from the Arabic language. To learn the Levantine dialect of the Arabic language, visit Nasma Of NY and get 14 days FREE trial!