Most Popular Languages to Learn
So Many Choices! What Are the Best Languages to Learn? There are over seven thousand languages spoken today. This is good news for the language-learning fanatic, who will never run out of new material with...Read More
4 ways to learn Arabic for FREE

February 24, 2021

Four ways to Learn Arabic for Free

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Can You Learn Arabic for Free? If you’re reading this, you are interested in learning the Arabic language. I commend you for this decision! Stick with it, and before long, you’ll be able to count...Read More
Why Learn Arabic

January 23, 2021

Why Learn Arabic?

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Why You Should Learn Arabic? Why Not Something Else? Arabic is the fourth-most-spoken language in the world, with about 400 million speakers. If numbers are all that matter, why learn Arabic when Chinese or Hindi...Read More
Best Online Arabic Course

January 23, 2021

What is the Best Online Arabic Course?

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If you’ve asked yourself this question, you’ve probably spent some time trawling the Internet, sorting through all the options for learning Arabic. And there are dozens of choices: how are you supposed to choose what’s...Read More
Language Education in the Time of COVID This year has thrown us all for a loop. Even if you’re fortunate enough to have not fallen ill to COVID-19, it has disrupted your life: social gatherings...Read More