Daily Phrases that Include Body Parts in Arabic

Daily Phrases that Include Body Parts in Arabic

Welcome to our blog! Today, we’re going to learn the names of body parts in Arabic. This guide is perfect for anyone curious about Arabic or wanting to expand their vocabulary.

Arabic is a beautiful and rich language. By learning the words for different body parts, you’ll not only improve your language skills but also gain a deeper understanding of another culture. 

By now, you know how much I love teaching you new things, especially Arabic expressions. In this post, we’ll explore some daily Arabic phrases that include body part words.

We’ll go from head to toe, covering all the basics. Ready to start learning? Let’s dive in!

Arabic Expression Literal Meaning  Definition 
3ala rase’ / على راسي On my head You are welcome/ You got it
Min 3youne / من عيوني From my eyes  Of course my pleasure 
Min timak la bweb el-samah /من تمك لأبواب السماء From your mouth to the doors of the sky May your wishes come true
Toli3 el-sha3er 3ala el-seneh / طلع الشعر ع لساني Hair grew on my tongue  When someone doesn’t listen to you
Yale’ fee saleh ta7et batou btin3aru / يلي في سلة تحت باطه بتنعره Whoever has a basket under their armpit will punch them  A person who feels offended will be offended 
La ejre’ /  اجري To my leg  I don’t care 
Salem Dayetek/ak / سلم دياتِك Bless your hands Thank you especially when someone cooks for you or gets you a gift. 


More Body Parts in Arabic 

Body Jesem / Ajsem (pl) جسم (ج) اجسام
Skin Jeled  جلد
Head Ras / Rus رأس (ج) رؤوس
Brain Dmagh / Admegha (pl) دماغ (ج) ادمغة
Hair Sha3er شَعر
Face Wej / Wjoh وجه (ج) وجوه
Eye 3ein / 3yun عين (ج) عيون
Eye brows  7ajeb /  7wejeb حاجب (ج) حواجب 
Ears Dayneh / Daynen دينه (ج) دينان
Nose Munkhar منخار
Mouth Tim تم
Tongue Lsen لسان
Armpits Bat باط
Hand Eid / Eiden  ايد / ايدان
Tummy Batten  بطن
Thighs Fakhed / Fkhad فخد (ج) فخاد


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5 New Expressions That you Need to Know in Levantine Arabic

5 New Expressions That you Need to Know in Levantine Arabic

Learning Levantine Arabic expressions, learners gain deeper insights into the language, improve their communication skills, and enhance their overall linguistic proficiency. Today’s new video I shared on Instagram is about 5 new expressions you need to learn when learning Levantine Arabic or Lebanese Arabic. I recommend watching the video first at the bottom of this blog, then try again while reading the script, and finally take a look at the notes to pick your favorite ones to add to your flashcards! Enjoy!

Notes of Video “Slang2”. 

Phonetic Script:  

Khams ta3abir jded byesta3emlohon ahel el-balad, w enta kamen lezim tista3melon el-yom. 

  1. Asle ya3ne original or authentic: mnesta3mela la nusuf shakhes aw rfea2 bn7eso wafe’ w ghale’. 
  2. Khosh-bosh: ana w yeh khosh-bos. Mnesta3mela la nusuf 3ale2ah bayne w ben shakhes ktir 2rab w merte7in ma3 ba3ed. 
  3. Salbe’: mish ma32ol ente shu salbeh. Salbe’ ya3ne 7ada ktir cool. 
  4. Rekbet jeyeh min verb ‘yerkab’ ya3ne to ride. Bnesta3mela lama badna n2ol inu el-mawdo3 meshe 7alo. Khalas meshe 7alo rekbet. 
  5. W ekher kelmeh: galobs ya3ne lezim ro7 aw fel leave. W ana kamen sar lezim ru7. 

Arabic script: 

خمس تعابير جداد بيستعملوهن اهل البلد وانت كمان لازم تستعملهم اليوم.

  1. أصلي يعني اوريخنل او اوثنتك منستعملها لنوصف شخص او رفيق منحسه وفي وغالي.
  2. خوش بوش، انا واياه خوش بوش منستعملها لنوصف علاقة بيني وبين شخص نحن كتير  قراب ومرتاحين مع بعض . 
  3. مش معقول انت شو سلبي، سلبي يعني حدا كتير كول .
  4. ركبت جايه من فعل يركب يعني تو ريد، منستعملها لما بدنا نقول انه الموضوع مشي حاله، خلص مشي الحال ركبت.
  5. و آخر كلمة غالوبس (Gallopse) يعني لازم روح او فل ليف.

 و انا كمان صار لازم روح بس قبل ما روح ما تنسوا تعلقوا.

English Translation: 

Five new expressions used by natives that you need to start using from today. 

  1. Asleh means original or authentic. We use it to describe a friend that we feel is loyal and valuable. 
  2. Khosh-bosh, him and I are khosh-bosh. We use it to describe a person we are very close and comfortable with. 
  3. Salbe’, unbelievable how cool you are. Salbe’ means a very cool person. 
  4. Rekbet, comes from the verb to yerkab which means ‘to ride’. We use it to say everything is under control and it’s all good. 
  5. And the last word is Gallops which means I need to go or leave. I also need to leave. 


Vocabulary Masculine Feminine Notes (if any)
Authentic or original  Asle’ Asliyeh Could also be used to say an object is original or authentic. Example: Hayda el-gezden asle’. This purse is original. 
Buddies with each other  Khosh-bosh Khosh-bosh It’s an expression and doesn’t have gender. 
Cool  Salbe’ Salbe’ It’s an expression and doesn’t have gender.  
All good/ worked out  Rekbet Comes from the verb to ride ‘Yerkab’
Leave Gallops  It’s an expression and doesn’t have gender.  


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My Friend Invited Everyone to her Wedding Except me! Let’s Talk about it in Arabic!

My Friend Invited Everyone to her Wedding Except me! Let’s Talk about it in Arabic!

If your friend has invited everyone to her wedding except you, it can be a hurtful and confusing experience. The best course of action is to approach the situation with open communication. Ever wondered how to talk about this in Arabic? This week’s new video, I will share a story that was shared by you and talk about it in Arabic. As usual, watch the video at the end of the page and check out the important vocabulary that you might need to add to your list.

Thank you for being here 🤍

Notes of Video Wedding”. 

Phonetic Script:  

Rfe2te 3azamit kil as7abna 3ala 3ersa ela ana! Shu ba3mul?

A new story shared by you, let’s talk about it in Arabic. 

Akid hayda shi biza3elne law ana ma7alek. Bus fike ta3emle sha-gheltein. Fike tanshiha w ma t2ole shi abadan! Bil 3arabe min2ol ‘la ejrek’. Bil 3akes hek btkune wafarte 3ala 7alek masare le2an ken lezim tshtrela hdiyeh aw cadeau. 

Hal2 iza badek twa27e 3ein, fike te7emle telephone, w de2ela, w t2ilila enta we7de bala zo2 w bala akhla2. Kholsit

Arabic script: 

رفيقتي عزمت كل اصحابنا على عرسها، الا انا شو بعمل؟ 

قصة جديدة بعتولي ياها انتو، خلينا نحكي عنها بالعربي. 

اكيد هيدى الشيء بزعلني لو انا محلك، بس فيكي تعملي شغلتين فيكي تطنشيها وما تقولي شيء ابداً، بالعربي منقول لاجرك،  بالعكس هيك بتكوني وفرتي على حالك مصاري لان كان لازم تشتري لها هدية او كادو cadeau.

هلأ إذا بدك توقحي عين فيكي تحملي التليفون وتدقي لها وتقولي لها انت وحدة بلا ذوق وبلا اخلاق، خلصت!

English Translation: 

My friend invited all our friends to her wedding except me. What do I do? A new story shared by you. Let’s talk about it in Arabic. 

Of course this would make me sad if I were you, but you can do two things. You can ignore her and not say anything at all. In Arabic we say, ‘for your leg’. On the contrary, you would have saved yourself some money because you needed to buy her gift. 

But if you want to be unapologetic, you can hold the telephone and call her and tell her you have ‘zero taste and zero moral’. It’s done! 


Vocabulary Masculine Feminine Notes (if any)
Wedding 3eres
Thing Shaghleh You can also say ‘shi’ which means something. But ‘something’ can’t be changed into duals. Whereas, if you are trying to say two things, you must say sha-gheltien. 
Ignore Tanesh Tanshe’ Ignore her: Tanshiha 

Ignore him: Tanshe

The root verb is Tanash(Ytanesh). And this word is in the command form. 

To your leg La ejrak La ejrek A phrase that means ‘don’t care’
Gift Hdiyeh
To be unapologetic Twa2e7 3ein Twa27e 3ein Literal meaning is: not make your eyes shy. We say it when we are trying to ask or do something without being shy about it. 
No taste Bala zo2 Which means no class or no manners
No manners Bala akhla2 No manners
Done! Kholsit Comes from the verb to finish: Kholis (ykhlas)

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