Top 5 Levantine Arabic Words to Describe a Lame Person

Top 5 Levantine Arabic Words to Describe a Lame Person

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Notes of Video “Lame” Make sure to check the video at the bottom of the page! 

In Levantine Arabic, there are various colorful expressions to describe someone who might be considered “lame” or uninteresting. These words capture a range of nuances, from being boring to lacking charisma. Let’s explore five such words that are commonly used in everyday conversations in the Levantine region.

كمخ، جلق. غليظ، سميك وما بينبلع

Adjective (m/f) #1 غليظ، غليظة


مش معقول هالبنت شو غليظة
Sentence (Phonetics) Mish ma32ol hal benet shu ghalizah! 


Unbelievable, this girl is so “lame, annoying”


Adjective (m/f) #2  سميك، سميكة


ما تقولي لجون انو نحنا ضاهرين اليوم، ما بدي اياه يجي معنا، كتير سميك هالصبي
Sentence (Phonetics) Ma t2olo la John inu ni7na dahreen elyom, ma bade yeh yeje ma3na. Ktir smik hal sabe’. 
Translation  Don’t tell John we are going out today, I don’t want him to come with us. Very ‘lame, thick’ guy. 


Adjective (m/f) #3 كمخ، وكمخة


فظيعة، شو كمخة هالمخلوقة!
Sentence (Phonetics) Fazi3ah, shu kemkhah hal makhlo2ah! 
Translation  Unbelievable (as ew) really “lame, boring” this creature. 

*Creature here is commonly used in positive situations as well. 


Adjective (m/f) #4 جلق، وجلقة


بدي اعرف شو حابة فيه هالشب كتير جلق! 
Sentence (Phonetics) Bade a3ref shu habeh fi hal shab, ktir jle2!
Translation  I want to know what she loves about this boy, he is very ‘lame, annoying’. 


Adjective (m/f) #5 ما بينبلع، ما بتنبلع


بتحسي جون مهضوم؟ ما بعرف ليش بحسه ما بينبلع
Sentence (Phonetics) Bit7ese John mahdoum? Ma ba3ref lesh b7esu ma byinbala3
Translation  Do you feel John is nice (funny)? I don’t Why I feel ‘he’s indigestible’


In conclusion, Levantine Arabic offers a rich tapestry of expressions to describe someone who might be considered lame or uninteresting. Words like ممل (Mammel), باهت (Bahet), تافه (Tafeh), مزعج (Muz’ej), and نشيز (Nasheez) each provide a unique shade of meaning, helping to precisely convey various aspects of a person’s dullness or lack of appeal. Understanding these terms not only enriches your vocabulary but also deepens your appreciation for the nuances of Levantine Arabic culture and communication.

Discover the Richness: with Levantine Arabic Book 1 for Beginners

Discover the Richness: with Levantine Arabic Book 1 for Beginners

A Unique Approach to Language Learning

Carol Haidar, a seasoned educator with years of experience teaching the Levantine dialect to foreigners, recognized a significant gap in traditional language textbooks. Most resources focus solely on the mechanics of the language, often neglecting the cultural context that is so vital to truly understanding and communicating effectively. Carol’s innovative approach in this book ensures that you won’t just learn to speak Arabic—you will learn to speak it as natives do, with all the cultural subtleties and everyday phrases that make the language come alive.

Click here to take a look at the table of content and view some sample pages from the textbook.

What Makes This Book Stand Out?

1. Authentic Phrases Used by Natives:
One of the standout features of “Levantine Arabic Book 1 for Beginners” is its focus on practical, everyday phrases. Carol has meticulously compiled phrases that natives use in daily conversations, giving you a head start in speaking the language naturally and fluently.

2. Comprehensive Language Skills:
By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed in essential greetings and goodbyes, and you’ll have a solid understanding of key grammar rules. The structured lessons are designed to build your confidence step-by-step, ensuring a smooth learning curve.

3. Real-Life Scenarios:
Practical application is at the heart of this textbook. You’ll learn how to order at a restaurant, ask for directions, and navigate various social situations with ease. These real-life scenarios are crucial for anyone looking to use Levantine Arabic in a practical context.

Why Choose Levantine Arabic?

Levantine Arabic, spoken in countries like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, is a vibrant and widely understood dialect. Its melodic tones and rich cultural heritage make it an appealing choice for language learners. By mastering this dialect, you open doors to deeper connections and more meaningful interactions in the Levant region.

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“Levantine Arabic Book 1 for Beginners” is more than just a textbook; it’s a gateway to a new world. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to refine your existing skills, this book provides the tools and insights you need to succeed. Dive into the rich tapestry of Levantine Arabic and discover a language filled with warmth, history, and charm.

Join the growing community of learners who have discovered the joy of speaking Levantine Arabic with Carol Haidar’s expert guidance. Order your copy today and start speaking a culture, not just a language.

My Friend Had Smelly Armpits, and I Decided to Tell Her

My Friend Had Smelly Armpits, and I Decided to Tell Her

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Notes of Video “Smelly Armpits”. 

Friendship is built on honesty, even when it’s uncomfortable. Recently, I had to muster the courage to talk to my dear friend about a sensitive issue—her smelly armpits. I approached her with kindness and care because I knew it was affecting her confidence. Sharing this truth was hard, but it strengthened our bond and allowed her to find a solution. Here’s how I navigated that tricky conversation and why it was the right thing to do.

Phonetic Script:  

I know a girl who has a bad body odor. Even though her house is neat, her clothes are always clean and tidy. But I don’t know why I always smell that she has a bad armpits odor. I mean it happens with everyone- but I felt I needed to tell her because I don’t want this thing to be harming her and making people avoid her. 

A new story shared by you. Let’s talk about it in Arabic. 

Look what I told her “my life, I want to tell you something. But I don’t want you to be upset with me. More than once, I smelled a bad odor from your armpits and I Said I wanted to tell you because I don’t want this thing to be harming you. 

There is a deodorant that I love and use, and it doesn’t make any body odor at all. If you want, I can send you the link. Also, I had a friend who had the same problem. She did botox and felt so relieved. 

Arabic script: 

بعرف وحده عندها ريحة جسم مع انه بيتها مرتب وتيابها دائماً نضاف ومرتبين بس ما بعرف ليش اغلب الاحيان بشم عندها ريحة باط انو بتصير مع الكل، بس حسيت لازم خبرها لأن ما بدي هيدا يكون عم يئذيها و يبعد العالم عنها.

 قصة جديدة بعتولي ياها خلينا نحكي عنها بالعربي.

 ليكوا شو قلت لها، حياتي بدي قلك شي بس ما بدي ياكي تزعلي مني، كذا مرة شميت عندك ريحة باط وقلت بدي قلك لان ما بدي هيدا الشي يكون عم يئذيكي.

 في ديو درون ( عطر) بحبها كتير وبستعملها وما بيطلع ريحة أبداً، ازا بدك فيني إبعتلك لينك وكمان عندي كان رفيقة كان عندها ذات المشكله عملت بوتوكس وهلق ارتاحت كتير.

English Translation: 

Ba3ref we7deh 3inda ri7et jesem. Ma32inu bayta mratab w tyeba dayman ndaf w mratabeen. Bus ma ba3ref lesh aghlab el-a7yen bshim 3inda ri7et bat. Inu bitser ma3 el-kil. Bus 7aset lezim khabera le2an ma bade hayda shi ykun 3am ye2ziha w yba3ed el-3alam 3ana. 

Osha jdidh ba3atoleh yeha khalina ne7ke 3ana bil 3arabe. 

Laiko shu eltela. 7ayete bade elik shi bus ma bade yeke tiz3ale mine. Kaza marah shamet 3indek ri7et bat w elit bade elek la2an ma bade hayda shi ykun 3am ye2zike. 

Fi deodorant b7eba ktir w bista3mela w ma bitale3 ri7ah abadan. Iza badek fiye eb3atlek el-link. W kamen 3inde ken rfe2ah kan 3inda zet el-meshkleh 3imlit botox w hal2 rte7it ktir. 


Vocabulary Masculine Feminine Notes (if any)
Neat Mratab Mratabeh This word doesn’t only mean neat. It’s a beautiful adjective to use to describe someone proper and clean as well. 
Clothes Tyeb
Smell Ri7ah Example: 

Ri7ah 7ilweh (nice smell) 

Ri7ah bish3ah (ugly smell)

To harm Y2ze Root “Aza”

Imperfect “Y2ze”

To distance (for people) Yba3ed Root “Ba3’3ad”

Imperfect “Yba3ed”

Comes from the noun far: b3id 


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10 English and French Words Arabs Use Daily

10 English and French Words Arabs Use Daily

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Notes of Video “Words that you can use in English or French”. 

In daily conversations, many Arabic speakers often use English or French words to sound more fluent and modern. This blending of languages, called code-switching, is especially common among the younger generation and in urban areas. Here are ten examples of such words frequently used instead of their Arabic counterparts. Understanding these can help you sound more like a native speaker. Let’s explore these words and their context in everyday Arabic. Incorporating these foreign terms into your speech can enhance communication and make interactions smoother.

Phonetic Script:  

3inde telmiz na7feh w moser yo7faz kil kelmeh bil 3arabe. W seret ayletlo alef marah mish kil kilmeh bil 3arabeh lezim titarjam. Khastan iza badak te7ke mitel el-natives. 


  1. Asenseur mish mis3ad
  2. Escalator mish daraj kahroba2e 
  3. Computer mish 7asoub 
  4. Credit card mish bita2et e2timen 
  5. Cellulaire mish jawal 
  6. Package mish tared 
  7. Autostrade mish tare2 el-sari3 
  8. Rond point mish douwwar
  9. Bus mish hafilah 
  10. Gateaux mish kaleb el-halwah 

Arabic script: 

عندي تلميذ نهفة ومصر يحفظ كل كلمة بالعربي. و صرت أيلتلو ألف مرة مش كل كلمة بالعربي لازم تترجم. خاصةً إذا بدك تحكي متل natives. 


  1. أسونسير مش مصعد
  2. أسكيلتر مش درج الكهربائي. 
  3. الكمبيوتر مش الحاسوب. 
  4. الكريدت كارد مش بطاقة إئتمان. 
  5. السلولار مش جوال. 
  6. الباكيج مش الطرد. 
  7. اوتستراد مش طريق السريع. 
  8. الرنبوان مش الدوار. 
  9. الباص مش الحافلة. 
  10. و الغاتو مش قالب الحلوة. 

English Translation: 

I have a very funny student who tends to memorize every word in Arabic and I have told him a million times that not every word in Arabic needs to be translated, especially if you want to sound like the natives.  


  1. Asenseur not mis3ad
  2. Escalator not daraj kahroba2e 
  3. Computer not 7asoub 
  4. Credit card not bita2et e2timen 
  5. Cellulaire not jawal 
  6. Package not tared 
  7. Autostrade not tare2 el-sari3 
  8. Rond point not douwwar
  9. Bus not hafilah 
  10. Gateaux not kaleb el-halwah 


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Daily Phrases that Include Body Parts in Arabic

Daily Phrases that Include Body Parts in Arabic

Welcome to our blog! Today, we’re going to learn the names of body parts in Arabic. This guide is perfect for anyone curious about Arabic or wanting to expand their vocabulary.

Arabic is a beautiful and rich language. By learning the words for different body parts, you’ll not only improve your language skills but also gain a deeper understanding of another culture. 

By now, you know how much I love teaching you new things, especially Arabic expressions. In this post, we’ll explore some daily Arabic phrases that include body part words.

We’ll go from head to toe, covering all the basics. Ready to start learning? Let’s dive in!

Arabic Expression Literal Meaning  Definition 
3ala rase’ / على راسي On my head You are welcome/ You got it
Min 3youne / من عيوني From my eyes  Of course my pleasure 
Min timak la bweb el-samah /من تمك لأبواب السماء From your mouth to the doors of the sky May your wishes come true
Toli3 el-sha3er 3ala el-seneh / طلع الشعر ع لساني Hair grew on my tongue  When someone doesn’t listen to you
Yale’ fee saleh ta7et batou btin3aru / يلي في سلة تحت باطه بتنعره Whoever has a basket under their armpit will punch them  A person who feels offended will be offended 
La ejre’ /  اجري To my leg  I don’t care 
Salem Dayetek/ak / سلم دياتِك Bless your hands Thank you especially when someone cooks for you or gets you a gift. 


More Body Parts in Arabic 

Body Jesem / Ajsem (pl) جسم (ج) اجسام
Skin Jeled  جلد
Head Ras / Rus رأس (ج) رؤوس
Brain Dmagh / Admegha (pl) دماغ (ج) ادمغة
Hair Sha3er شَعر
Face Wej / Wjoh وجه (ج) وجوه
Eye 3ein / 3yun عين (ج) عيون
Eye brows  7ajeb /  7wejeb حاجب (ج) حواجب 
Ears Dayneh / Daynen دينه (ج) دينان
Nose Munkhar منخار
Mouth Tim تم
Tongue Lsen لسان
Armpits Bat باط
Hand Eid / Eiden  ايد / ايدان
Tummy Batten  بطن
Thighs Fakhed / Fkhad فخد (ج) فخاد


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