Despite minor variances in the environment, most Middle Eastern nations grow the same fruits. But don’t mistake this for a lack of options. Westerners who have forgotten how a tomato or a green bean should...Read More
Reading with children is a pleasurable bonding and educational experience. However, in the case of Arabic, people often find reading in this language to be a painful experience. The reason being there are not enough...Read More
Each child is gifted in their own way, and what works for one may not work for another. Parents worry when they see their kids not catching up on a language in the early stages....Read More
Modern-day corporations require employees to know various languages like German, French, Arabic etc. From the Middle East to North Africa, Arabic is spoken in more than 20 nations, each with its unique dialect. Dialects can...Read More
If you just remember one piece of grammar advice from Nasma Of NY, make it this: To learn a foreign language, you don’t need to study grammar. It’s a reality that defies a slew of...Read More